- Peraea
- ae f.Перея1) область Палестины по левому берегу Иордана с главн. городом Годара PM2) (P. Rhodiorum) южное побережье Карий против о-ва Родос L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PERAEA — Iudaeae pars ulterior, Aegypto proxima, Plin. l. 5. c. 14. Regio et toparchia, in tribu Gad sisa, trans fluvium: longitudo eius est a Pella usque ad Macherunta, Iatitudo vero a Philadelphia, Arabia, Silbonitide usque ad Iordanem, Irrigatur autem… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Peraea — [pə rē′ə] in Roman times, a region in Palestine east of the Jordan, roughly the same as ancient Gilead … English World dictionary
Peraea — or Perea geographical name region of ancient Palestine E of Jordan River … New Collegiate Dictionary
Peraea — /peuh ree euh/, n. a region in ancient Palestine, E of the Jordan and the Dead Sea. * * * … Universalium
Peraea — Pe•rae•a [[t]pəˈri ə[/t]] n. geg a region in ancient Palestine, E of the Jordan and the Dead Sea … From formal English to slang
Peraea — /pəˈriə/ (say puh reeuh) noun a region in ancient Palestine, east of the Jordan and the Dead Sea …
Peraea — /peuh ree euh/, n. a region in ancient Palestine, E of the Jordan and the Dead Sea … Useful english dictionary
Abila (Peraea) — Abila ndash; also, Biblical: Abel Shittim or Ha Shittim (or simply Shittim) ndash; was an ancient city east of the Jordan River in Moab, later Peraea, near Livias, about twelve km northeast of the north shore of the Dead Sea; the site is now that … Wikipedia
ПЕРЕЯ — • Peraea, Περαία, название многих стран, лежащих на противоположной стороне водного пространства: 1. η̉ περαία τω̃ν ΄Ροδίων, южный берег Карии на протяжении 1.500 стадий по берегу моря (против острова Родоса): этим берегом уже… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Chronology of the Life of Jesus Christ — Chronology of the Life of Jesus Christ † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Chronology of the Life of Jesus Christ In the following paragraphs we shall endeavour to establish the absolute and relative chronology of our Lord s life, i.e. we shall … Catholic encyclopedia
TRANSJORDAN — (Heb. עֵבֶרהַיַרְדֵּן). Geographically, Transjordan includes the area east of the Jordan River, extending from the sources of the Jordan near the hermon to the dead sea . However, the area north of the Yarmuk River (the Golan and Bashan) are… … Encyclopedia of Judaism