
a, um (греч.)
способствующий пищеварению (medicina PM)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "pepticus" в других словарях:

  • peptique — [ pɛptik ] adj. • 1752; n. 1694 « ce qui opère la coction des humeurs »; de pepsine ♦ Didact. (Biochim., méd.). Relatif à la pepsine. Digestion peptique, qui se fait dans l estomac sous l effet de la pepsine. Par ext. Qui a trait à la digestion,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Peptic — Pep tic, a. [L. pepticus, Gr. ?. See {Pepsin}.] 1. Relating to digestion; promoting digestion; digestive; as, peptic sauces. [1913 Webster] 2. Able to digest. [R.] [1913 Webster] Tolerably nutritive for a mind as yet so peptic. Carlyle. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • peptic — adjective Etymology: Latin pepticus, from Greek peptikos, from peptos cooked, from peptein, pessein to cook, digest more at cook Date: 1651 1. relating to or promoting digestion ; digestive 2. of, relating to, producing, or caused by pepsin …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • List of Linyphiidae species I-P — This page lists all described species from I to P of the spider family Linyphiidae as of June 13, 2008.Ibadana Ibadana Locket Russell Smith, 1980 * Ibadana cuspidata Locket Russell Smith, 1980 Nigeria, CameroonIberoneta Iberoneta Deeleman… …   Wikipedia

  • Ipa — Pour les multiples significations du sigle IPA, voir IPA. Ipa …   Wikipédia en Français

  • peptic — 1650s, from L. pepticus, from Gk. peptikos able to digest, from peptos cooked, digested, verbal adj. of peptein to cook (see COOK (Cf. cook) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • peptic — /ˈpɛptɪk / (say peptik) adjective 1. relating to or concerned in digestion; digestive. 2. promoting digestion. 3. of pepsin. 4. associated with the action of digestive substances: peptic ulcer. –noun 5. a substance promoting digestion. {Latin… …  

  • peptic — [pep′tik] adj. [L pepticus < Gr peptikos < peptein, to digest: see PEPSIN] 1. of or aiding digestion 2. of or relating to pepsin 3. related to, or caused by, digestive secretions [a peptic ulcer] …   English World dictionary

  • pep|tic — «PEHP tihk», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. having to do with or promoting digestion; digestive. 2. able to digest. 3. of, having to do with, or secreting pepsin. –n. a substance promoting digestion. ╂[< Latin pepticus < Greek peptikós <… …   Useful english dictionary

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