
on (греч.)
имеющий пять рядов колонн (porticus Treb)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "pentastichos" в других словарях:

  • pentastich — /pen teuh stik /, n. Pros. a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of five lines or verses. [1650 60; < NL pentastichus < Gk pentástichos. See PENTA , STICH1] * * * …   Universalium

  • pentastich — /ˈpɛntəstɪk/ (say pentuhstik) noun a strophe, stanza, or poem consisting of five lines or verses. {New Latin pentastichus, from Greek pentastichos of five lines} …  

  • pentastich — [pen′tə stik΄] n. [Gr pentastichos: see PENTA & STICH] a poem or stanza of five lines …   English World dictionary

  • pentastich — ˈpentəˌstik noun ( s) Etymology: Late Greek pentastichos of five verses, from Greek penta + stichos verse, line more at stich : a unit, stanza, or poem consisting of five lines …   Useful english dictionary

  • pen|ta|stich — «PEHN tuh stihk», noun. a group of five lines of verse that form a stanza, strophe, or poem. ╂[< Greek pentástichos of five lines < pénte five + stíchos line of verse < steíchein to walk, go] …   Useful english dictionary

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