- penarius
- penārius, a, um [ penus ]относящийся к съестным припасам, продовольственныйcella penaria C — кладовая, амбар, перен. житница (cella penaria rei publicae nostrae, sc. Sicilia C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Hygrophorus — Schnecklinge Geflecktblättrige Purpurschnecklinge (Hygrophorus russula) Systematik Klasse: Ständerpilze (Basidiomyc … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schnecklinge — Elfenbein Schneckling (Hygrophorus eburneus) Systematik Klasse: Ständerpilze (Basidiomycetes) … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of extinct and endangered species of Lithuania — This is a list of extinct, endangered and threatened animals of Lithuania. Collecting of this list started in 1959 and current version (2003) contains 815 species 23 mammals, 75 birds, 128 insects, 224 flowering plants, 199 fungi and… … Wikipedia
Hygrophoraceae — Taxobox | name = Hygrophoraceae image width = 220px image caption = Hygrophorus penarius regnum = Fungi subregnum = Dikarya phylum = Basidiomycota subphylum = Agaricomycotina classis = Agaricomycetes subclassis = Agaricomycetidae ordo =… … Wikipedia
Hygrophorus — Taxobox | name = Hygrophorus image width = 220px image caption = Hygrophorus penarius regnum = Fungi divisio = Basidiomycota classis = Agaricomycetes ordo = Agaricales familia = Hygrophoraceae genus = Hygrophorus Hygrophorus is the type genus for … Wikipedia
List of Hygrophorus species — Many species formerly included in this genus are now placed in the genus Hygrocybe . * Hygrophorus discoxanthus (formerly H. chrysaspis ) + * [http://www.hti.umich.edu:80/cgi/t/text/text idx?c=fung1tc;cc=fung1tc;view=toc;idno=AJN5962.0001.001… … Wikipedia
Гигрофор — ? Гигрофор Гигрофор сыроежковый … Википедия
Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future — Cover Man After Man: An Anthropology of the Future (1990) is a speculative book written by Scottish geologist Dougal Dixon and illustrated by Philip Hood. The theme of the book is a science fiction body horror exploration of the possibilities of… … Wikipedia
Гигрофор букововидный — ? Гигрофор букововидный … Википедия