- Peloponnesus
Peloponnēsus (-os), ī f.Пелопоннес, названный так по имени Пелопа, который, по преданию, переселился сюда (ныне Морея) Vr, C, L etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PELOPONNESUS — ampla Graeciae regio, nobilissima totius Europae peninsula, Isthmô angustissimô (quem muro Hexamilio circumdedit Emanuel Imperator. cum Turcas urbi exitium moliri animadverteret; Laonic. l. 4. sub initium saeculi 15.) Graeciae annexa, inter duo… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Peloponnesus — peninsula of southern Greece, late 15c., from L., from Gk. Peloponnesos, second element apparently nesos island, first element said to be named for Pelops, son of Tantalus, who killed him and served him to the gods as food (they later restored… … Etymology dictionary
Peloponnesus — or Peloponnesos [pel΄ə pə nē′səs] [< ? Pelops (see PELOPS) + nesos, island] peninsula forming the S part of the mainland of Greece Peloponnesian [pel΄ə pə nē′shən, pel΄ə pə nē′zhən] adj., n … English World dictionary
Peloponnesus — geographical name see Peloponnese … New Collegiate Dictionary
Peloponnesus — Peloponnesian /pel euh peuh nee zheuhn, sheuhn/, adj., n. /pel euh peuh nee seuhs/, n. a peninsula forming the S part of Greece: seat of the early Mycenaean civilization and the powerful city states of Argos, Sparta, etc. 986,912; 8356 sq. mi.… … Universalium
Peloponnesus — noun Alternative name of Peloponnese … Wiktionary
PELOPONNESUS — (lit. the Isle of Pelops), the ancient name of the Morea of Greece, the chief cities of which were Corinth, Argos, and Sparta; it was connected with the rest of Greece by the Isthmus of Corinth … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Peloponnesus — Southern peninsula of Greece; in Greek it is Pelopónnisos … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Peloponnesus — penin. betw. Aegean and Ionian Seas; one of the main divisions of S Greece; 8,603 sq. mi.; pop. 986,000 … Webster's Gazetteer
Peloponnesus — n. Peloponnese, large peninsula that makes up the southern part of Greece … English contemporary dictionary
Peloponnesus — Pel•o•pon•ne•sus [[t]ˌpɛl ə pəˈni səs[/t]] also Pel•o•pon•ne•sos [[t] sɒs, soʊs, səs[/t]] n. geg a peninsula forming the S part of Greece: seat of the early Mycenaean civilization and the powerful city states of Argos, Sparta, etc. 986,912; 8356… … From formal English to slang