
pedālis, e [ pes ]
футовый, размером в римский фут (29,57 см.) (trabes C; altitudo PM)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "pedalis" в других словарях:

  • Pedalis — (Bot.), fußlang, 1/2 Elle lang …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • pedalis —   L. pes, foot; alis, pertaining to. Culms short …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

  • Gnathonaroides pedalis — Gnathonaroides pedalis …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pedal — Fußhebel * * * Pe|dal [pe da:l], das; s, e: 1. (besonders im Auto) Hebel, der mit dem Fuß bedient wird: auf das Pedal treten. Zus.: Bremspedal, Gaspedal, Kupplungspedal. 2. Tretkurbel am Fahrrad: in die Pedale treten (schnell fahren). 3. (bei… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • pédale — [ pedal ] n. f. • 1560 « pédale d orgue »; it. pedale, lat. pop. °pedale, de pes, pedis « pied » 1 ♦ Touche d un instrument de musique actionnée au pied. Clavier à pédales de l orgue. ⇒ pédalier. Les sept pédales de la harpe. Pédales de piano.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pedal — I. noun Etymology: Middle French pedale, from Italian, from Latin pedalis, adjective Date: 1618 1. a lever pressed by the foot in the playing of a musical instrument (as an organ or piano) 2. a foot lever or treadle by which a part is activated… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Medieval football — An illustration of so called mob football , a variety of medieval football. Medieval football is a modern term sometimes used for a wide variety of localised football games which were invented and played in Europe of the Middle Ages. Alternative… …   Wikipedia

  • pedal — Relating to the feet, or to any structure called pes. [L. pedalis, fr. pes (ped ), a foot] * * * ped·al ped əlalso pēd adj of or relating to the foot * * * ped·al (pedґəl) [L. pedalis; pes foot] pertaining to the foot or feet …   Medical dictionary

  • Pedal — (Derivado del lat. pes, pedis, pie.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 MECÁNICA Palanca que, al pisarla, pone en movimiento un mecanismo: ■ ¡dale fuerte a los pedales de la bicicleta! 2 MÚSICA Sonido prolongado sobre el que se suceden distintos acordes o… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • peal — ► sustantivo masculino 1 INDUMENTARIA Y MODA Parte de la media que cubre el pie: ■ tengo un agujero en el peal de las medias. 2 INDUMENTARIA Y MODA Media o calcetín sin pie que se sujeta a éste con una trabilla que pasa por debajo. 3 INDUMENTARIA …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • pedal — pedal1 [ pɛd(ə)l] noun 1》 each of a pair of foot operated levers for powering a bicycle or other vehicle propelled by leg power. 2》 a foot operated throttle, brake, or clutch control in a motor vehicle. 3》 each of a set of two or three foot… …   English new terms dictionary

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