Apollodorus — was a common Greek name. This article deals with the historian and mythographer.: For the Greco Syrian architect, see Apollodorus of Damascus. For other men of the same name see Apollodorus (disambiguation). : Not to be confused with Pseudo… … Wikipedia
APOLLODORUS — I. APOLLODORUS Archon Athenis, Olymp. 107. an. 3. II. APOLLODORUS Atheniensis Grammaticus, Asclepiadis fil. Panaetii Rhodii Philosophi et Aristarchi Grammatici discipulus. Primus genus metri Triambici invenit, uti testatur Suidas. Scripsit quoque … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Apollodorus — Apollodoros (griechisch), Apollodorus (latinisiert) oder Apollodor (eingedeutscht) war in der Antike ein häufiger griechischer Name. Bekannte Namensträger sind: Politiker Politiker des 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. in Athen, siehe Apollodor (Politiker… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Apollodorus — ▪ Greek artist flourished 5th century BC Athenian painter thought to have been the first to gradate light and colour, that is, to shade his paintings. For this reason he was known, in his own day, as “Sciagraphos,” or “Shadow Painter.”… … Universalium
Apollodorus (disambiguation) — Apollodorus was a popular name in ancient Greece. It may refer to:*Apollodorus of Athens (born c. 180 BC), historian and mythographer *The Pseudo Apollodorus, author of the Bibliotheca *Apollodorus (painter), an Athenian painter, who lived at the … Wikipedia
Apollodorus of Acharnae — Apollodorus (Greek: polytonic|Ἀπολλόδωρος, Apollodōros ) of Acharnae in Attica (born 394 BCE) is known from several of Demosthenes forensic speeches. Apollodorus was the son of the banker Pasion, who died in 370 BCE when Apollodorus was twenty… … Wikipedia
Apollodorus of Damascus — was a Greek [Encyclopaedia Britannica [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article 9008022/Apollodorus Of Damascus Greek engineer and architect who worked primarily for the Roman emperor Trajan (reigned 98–117). ] ] or Syrian [George Sarton (1936). The… … Wikipedia
Apollodorus of Artemita — was a Greek writer of the 1st century BCE. Apollodorus wrote a history of the Parthian Empire ( Parthika ) in at least four books. He is quoted by Strabo and Athenaeus. Strabo stated that he was very reliable. Apollodorus seems to have used the… … Wikipedia
Apollodorus of Seleucia — Apollodorus ( el. Ἀπολλόδωρος) of Seleucia, (flourished c. 150 BC), was a Stoic philosopher, and a pupil of Diogenes of Babylon.He wrote a number of handbooks ( el. εισαγωγαι) on Stoicism, including ones on Ethics and Physics which are frequently … Wikipedia
Apollodorus of Carystus — in Euboea was one of the most important writers of the Attic New Comedy, who flourished in Athens between 300 and 260 B.C. He is to be distinguished from the older Apollodorus of Gela (342 mdash;290), also a writer of comedy, a contemporary of… … Wikipedia
Apollodorus of Pergamon — Apollodorus of Pergamon, one of the two most prominent teachers of rhetoric in the 1st century BC along with Theodorus of Gadara. His most famous student became the first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus. Students of Apollodorus were commonly… … Wikipedia