- paucitas
paucitās, ātis f. [ paucus ]небольшое количество, незначительное число (militum Cs)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
paucitas — index paucity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
poquedad — ► sustantivo femenino 1 Cantidad muy pequeña de una cosa. SINÓNIMO escasez 2 Falta de desenvoltura para tratar con la gente o de decisión para emprender una cosa. SINÓNIMO apocamiento timidez 3 Cosa insignificante o de poco valor. SINÓNIMO… … Enciclopedia Universal
paucité — ⇒PAUCITÉ, subst. fém. Petite quantité, petit nombre. Je ne connais que trop la paucité de mon public, et je ne sais si j en dois être triste ou fier (BALZAC, Corresp., 1832, p.185). Une civilisation n est réellement forte que quand elle a une… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Paucity — Pau ci*ty, n. [L. paucitas, fr. paucus few, little: cf. F. paucit[ e] See {Few}.] 1. Fewness; smallness of number; scarcity. Hooker. [1913 Webster] Revelation denies it by the stern reserve, the paucity, and the incompleteness, of its… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paucity — noun Etymology: Middle English paucite, from Latin paucitat , paucitas, from paucus little more at few Date: 15th century 1. smallness of number ; fewness 2. smallness of quantity ; dearth … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nerthus — (1905) by Emil Doepler. In Germanic paganism, Nerthus is a goddess associated with fertility. Nerthus is attested by Tacitus, the first century AD Roman historian, in his Germania. Various theories exist regarding the goddess and her potential… … Wikipedia
List of compositions by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina — This is a list of compositions by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, sorted by genre. The volume (given in parentheses for motets) refers to which volume of the Breitkopf Härtel complete edition the work can be found in. Six of the volumes of… … Wikipedia
Nerthus — ist eine Gottheit der germanischen Mythologie, die gelegentlich mit dem eddischen Njörd identifiziert wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Darstellung bei Tacitus 2 Verbindung zu Njörd 3 Siehe auch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Francisco de la Torre (compositor) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Francisco de la Torre (c. 1460 c. 1504) fue un músico y compositor español del Renacimiento. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Obras 3 … Wikipedia Español
paucity — /paw si tee/, n. 1. smallness of quantity; scarcity; scantiness: a country with a paucity of resources. 2. smallness or insufficiency of number; fewness. [1375 1425; late ME paucite < L paucitas fewness, deriv. of paucus few; see ITY] * * * … Universalium
paucity — I noun absence, bare subsistence, dearth, deficiency, deprivation, destitution, drought, exigency, exiguity, famine, fewness, finite quantity, fraction, inadequacy, infrequency, insufficiency, lack, limited amount, minimum, minority, modicum,… … Law dictionary