
patrōnātus, ūs m.
патронат, положение или права патрона (jus patronatus Dig)

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "patronatus" в других словарях:

  • PATRONATUS Jus — hodie aliter iur Civili, aliter Cononicô accipitur. Nam iure Civiliappellatur hoc ius, quod Patroni in libertorum persona bonisque habent, operarum scil. exactionem, intestati successionem, bonorum possessionem contra tab. tit. de iur. part. Vide …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • patronatus — Same as patronage …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Ius patronatus — Ius patronatus, or in anglicized spelling Jus patronatus, is the term in Roman Catholic canon law for the right of patronage .The right of patronage is a set of rights and obligations entailed upon a definite person, the patron (Latin patronus ) …   Wikipedia

  • Jus patronatus — Das Kirchenpatronat ist die Schirmherrschaft eines Landes oder Grundherrn (auch einer Gebietskörperschaft) über eine Kirche, die auf seinem Gebiet liegt. Eine Patronatsloge. St. Annen kirche in Prießnitz b. Borna Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • de jure decimarum, originem ducens de jure patronatus, tune cognitio spectat at legem civilem, i.e., communem — With regard to the right of tithes deducing its origin from the right of the patron, then the cognizance of them belongs to the civil law; that is, the common law …   Black's law dictionary

  • jus patronatus — /jas paetraneytas/ In English ecclesiastical law, the right of patronage; the right of presenting a clerk to a benefice. A commission from the bishop, where two presentations are offered upon the same avoidance, directed usually to his chancellor …   Black's law dictionary

  • de jure decimarum, originem ducens de jure patronatus, tune cognitio spectat at legem civilem, i.e., communem — With regard to the right of tithes deducing its origin from the right of the patron, then the cognizance of them belongs to the civil law; that is, the common law …   Black's law dictionary

  • jus patronatus — /jas paetraneytas/ In English ecclesiastical law, the right of patronage; the right of presenting a clerk to a benefice. A commission from the bishop, where two presentations are offered upon the same avoidance, directed usually to his chancellor …   Black's law dictionary

  • De jure decimarum, originem ducens de jure patronatus, tunc cognitio spectat ad legem civilem, i.e., communem — As to the right of tithes, taking its origin from the right of the patron, then the civil law has jurisdiction of it, that is, the common law …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • jus patronatus — (Ecclesiastical law.) A commission from the bishop, directed usually to his chancellor and others of competent learning, who were to summon a jury of six clergymen and six laymen, to inquire into and examine as to who was the rightful patron of a …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Norwegian nobility — are persons and families who in early times belonged to the supreme social, political, and military class and who later were members of the institutionalised nobility in the Kingdom of Norway. It has its historical roots in the group of… …   Wikipedia

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