- partitio
partītio, ōnis f. [ partio ]деление, разделение, расчленение, распределение C, Q etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
partitio — (s.f.) Consite nell enumerazione introduttiva dei punti da trattare; in questo senso ricorre nel discrorso retorico prima di una intricata narratio o di una argumentatio. partizione, propositio … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
partitio — /partish(iy)ow/ In the civil law, partition; division. This word did not always signify dimidium, a dividing into halves … Black's law dictionary
Partitio Romaniae — Literally, the sharing of Romania, the title of the treaty of 1204 that ruthlessly divided up Byzantium (q.v.) among the major participants of the Fourth Crusade (q.v.). Latin emperor Baldwin of Flanders (q.v.) received five eighths of… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
partitio legata — /partish(iy)ow lageyta/ In the civil law, a testamentary partition. This took place where the testator, in his will, directed the heir to divide the inheritance and deliver a designated portion thereof to a named legatee … Black's law dictionary
quod partitio fiat — /kwod partish(iy)ow fayat/ That partition be made. The name of the judgment in a suit for partition, directing that a partition be effected … Black's law dictionary
campi-partitio — A champertous division of the land … Ballentine's law dictionary
judgment quod partitio fiat — A judgment that a partition be made, a judgment ordering a partition of property … Ballentine's law dictionary
quod partitio fiat — That a partition be made … Ballentine's law dictionary
partition — 1. partition [ partisjɔ̃ ] n. f. • particion « division, partage » 1170; lat. partitio « partage », de partiri → 2. partir I ♦ Vx Division. ♢ Mod. Blas. Division de l écu par des lignes droites. II ♦ (angl. partition) Anglic. 1 ♦ Partage (d un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Definition — For other uses, see Definition (disambiguation). A definition is a passage that explains the meaning of a term (a word, phrase or other set of symbols), or a type of thing. The term to be defined is the definiendum. A term may have many different … Wikipedia
Marco Sanudo — (1153 (?) entre 1220 et 1230, plus probablement 1227) fut le fondateur et premier duc du duché de Naxos, à la suite de la Quatrième croisade. Neveu du doge vénitien, Enrico Dandolo, il participa à la Quatrième croisade en 1204 et à la négociation … Wikipédia en Français