- Parthenopaeus
ī m.Партенопей, сын Мелеагра и Аталанты, брат Адраста, один из «семерых против Фив» V
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PARTHENOPAEUS — fil. meleagri et Atalantae. Nonnulli perhibent illum Martis et Menalippes fuisse filium, sive Milanionis, qui fuit rex Arcadiae. Hic Thebana bella puer admodum petiit, ac in iisdem obiit mortem. De illo plurimum Statius in Theb. Eum apud inferos… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Parthenopaeus, S. — S. Parthenopaeus (7. Sept.), Martyrer zu Noli. S. S. Paragorius … Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon
Parthenopaeus — /pahr theuh neuh pee euhs/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Hippomenes and Atalanta, and one of the Seven against Thebes. * * * … Universalium
Parthenopaeus — /pahr theuh neuh pee euhs/, n. Class. Myth. a son of Hippomenes and Atalanta, and one of the Seven against Thebes … Useful english dictionary
Acheron Parthenopaeus (Cazador Oscuro) — Acheron Parthenopaeus Personaje de Acheron Creador(es) Sherrilyn Kenyon Información Nombre original Apostolos Alias … Wikipedia Español
ПАРТЕНОПЕЙ — • Parthenopaeus, Παρθενοπαι̃ος, один из 7, воевавших против Фив, убитый под Фивами Асфодиком или Амфидиком или Периклименом. Он был сын Ареса или Мейланиона, или Мелеагра и Аталанты, или, по древнейшим сказаниям, Талая и Лисимахи,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Seven against Thebes — 1. Class. Myth. seven heroes, Amphiaraus, Capaneus, Eteoclus, Hippomedon, Parthenopaeus, Polynices, and Tydeus, who led an expedition against Thebes to depose Eteocles in favor of his brother Polynices: the expedition failed, but the Epigoni, the … Universalium
Ares — This article is about the ancient Greek god. For other uses, see Ares (disambiguation). Ares … Wikipedia
Telephus — This article is about Telephus the son of Heracles. The name also refers to the father of Cyparissus. A Greek mythological figure, Telephus or Telephos (Greek: Τήλεφος, far shining [His names was also rendered Telephanes (Kerenyi 1959:337).… … Wikipedia
Adrastus — This article is about Adrastus, son of Talaus, king of Argos. For others with this name, see Adrastus (disambiguation). Adrastus (Greek Ἄδραστος; also Adrestus from Ionic Greek: Ἄδρηστος), inactive ,dubious|date=October 2008 was a legendary king… … Wikipedia
Parthenopeus — In Greek mythology, Parthenopeus (or Parthenopaeus; English translation: son of a pierced virgin ) was one of the Seven Against Thebes and the son of Atalanta and Hippomenes, Meleager, or Ares, or perhaps the son of Talaus. Promachus was his son … Wikipedia