Inchoative verb — An inchoative verb, sometimes called an inceptive verb, shows a process of beginning or becoming. Productive inchoative infixes exist in several languages, including Latin and Ancient Greek, and consequently some Romance languages. Not all verbs… … Wikipedia
νήπιος — α, ο (ΑΜ νήπιος, ία, ον, Α και νήπιος, ον, Α θηλ. ιων. τ. νηπίη, Μ και νηπίος, ον, Μ ουδ. και νήφιο) 1. το ουδ. ως ουσ. το νήπιο(ν) α) παιδί νηπιακής ηλικίας β) (για πρόσ.) μτφ. πολύ νεαρός, ανήλικος γ) μτφ. άμυαλος, ανώριμος («νήπιος, οὐδὲ τὸ… … Dictionary of Greek
ap-1 (proper ǝp-) : ēp- — ap 1 (proper ǝp ) : ēp English meaning: to take, grab, reach Deutsche Übersetzung: “fassen, nehmen, erreichen” Note: From the reduced Root ghabh : “to grab, take”, derived Root ap 1 (exact ǝp ) : ēp : “to take, grab, reach, *give” … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary