- Paralus
ī m.Парал, афинский герой, портрет которого был написан Протогеном C, PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Paralus — may refer to:* Paralus (place), a former place in Egypt * Paralus (ship), an Athenian trireme * Paralus, a son of Pericles, see Paralus and Xanthippus … Wikipedia
Paralus — • Titular see, suffragan of Cabasa in Aegyptus Secunda. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Paralus Paralus † … Catholic encyclopedia
Paralus — (ital.: Paralo) ist ein Titularbistum der römisch katholischen Kirche. Es geht zurück auf ein untergegangenes Bistum der antiken Stadt Paralus in Unterägypten. Titularbischöfe von Paralus Nr. Name Amt von bis 1 Giovanni Menachery … Deutsch Wikipedia
PARALUS — I. PARALUS Clazomenarum, urbis Ioniae Asiaticae, conditor; quae prius Gryna nominata, vicina Colophoni, unde et Apollo Gryneus dictus est, quod ibi Oraculum eius esset, postea Clazomenae appellari coepit, Vide Strabonem l. 13. Plin. l. 5. c. 30.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Paralus and Xanthippus — (Gr. polytonic|Πάραλος and polytonic|Ξάνθιππος) were the two legitimate sons of Pericles, Xanthippus being the older one and Paralus the younger, and hence members of the Alcmaeonid family.cite encyclopedia | last = Mason | first = Charles Peter… … Wikipedia
Paralus (place) — Paralus was an Episcopal see, now only titular, sited at one of the seven mouths of the Nile, Egypt. Its modern location is Lake Burollos. External links * [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11475a.htm Paralus] Catholic Encyclopedia … Wikipedia
Paralus (ship) — The Paralus was an Athenian sacred ship and a messenger trireme of the Athenian navy during the late 5th century BC. Its crew were known for their vehement pro democracy views. It played a notable role in several episodes of the Peloponnesian War … Wikipedia
Athenian sacred ships — were ancient Athenian ships, often triremes, which had special religious functions such as serving in sacred processions ( theoria ) or embassies or racing in boat races during religious festivals. [Jordan, Athenian Navy , 154 157.] The two most… … Wikipedia
Conon — For other uses, see Conon (disambiguation). Conon from Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum Conon (Greek: Κόνων) (bef. 444 BC – aft. 394 BC) was an Athenian general at the end of the Peloponnesian War, who presided over the crucial Athenian naval… … Wikipedia
Battle of Aegospotami — Infobox Military Conflict caption=A Greek trireme conflict=Battle of Aegospotami partof=the Peloponnesian War date=404 BC place=Aegospotami, Hellespont, present day Turkey result=Decisive Spartan victory; Athens is besieged and surrenders. End of … Wikipedia
Protagoras (dialogue) — Protagoras is a dialogue of Plato. The main argument is between the elderly Protagoras, a celebrated sophist, and Socrates. The discussion takes place at the home of Callias, who is host to Protagoras while he is in town, and concerns a familiar… … Wikipedia