Смотреть что такое "Pantheum" в других словарях:
PANTHEUM seu PANTHEON — PANTHEUM, seu PANTHEON dicta est aedes Iovi Ultori ab Agrippa dicata, hodie Mariae rotundae et omnium Sanctorum vocatur. Aliquando Cybeli quoque sacra fuit, cuius Deae caput antiqui operis e saxo, cum duobus piscibus, muro templi inclusum adhuc… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
pantheum — … Useful english dictionary
PANTH — pantheum … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
Pantheon, Rome — The Pantheon (Latin Pantheon , [Rarely Pantheum . This rare usage appears in Pliny s Natural History (XXXVI.38) in describing this edifice: Agrippae Pantheum decoravit Diogenes Atheniensis; in columnis templi eius Caryatides probantur inter pauca … Wikipedia
Panthéon (Paris) — The Panthéon (Latin Pantheon , [Rarely Pantheum . This rare usage appears in Pliny s Natural History (XXXVI.38) in describing this edifice: Agrippae Pantheum decoravit Diogenes Atheniensis; in columnis templi eius Caryatides probantur inter pauca … Wikipedia
Tooke's Pantheon — full title Tooke s Pantheon of the Heathen Gods and Illustrious Heroes , was a work on Greek mythology.The Jesuit Francois Pomey authored the Pantheum mythicum seu fabulosa deorum historia . The Pantheum mythicum became the mythological handbook … Wikipedia
National Pantheon of Venezuela — Details Year established 27 March 1874 Country Venezuela Location … Wikipedia
Pantheon (Rom) — Fassade des Pantheons Grundriss des unter Hadrian erbauten Pantheons … Deutsch Wikipedia
Santa Maria ad Martyres — Fassade des Pantheons Grundriss des unter Hadrian erbauten Pantheons Das Pantheon (griechisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Santa Maria ad Martyres (Kirche in Rom) — Fassade des Pantheons Grundriss des unter Hadrian erbauten Pantheons Das Pantheon (griechisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
panthéon — [ pɑ̃teɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1491; lat. Pantheon; gr. Pantheion, de pan et theos « dieu » 1 ♦ Antiq. Temple consacré à tous les dieux. ♢ Ensemble des divinités d une mythologie, d une religion polythéiste. 2 ♦ Monument consacré à la mémoire des grands… … Encyclopédie Universelle