
ī m.
Панетий, философ стоик из Родоса, друг Сципиона Младшего и Лелия C, H, VP

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Panaetius" в других словарях:

  • Panaetius — ( el. Παναίτιος) of Rhodes, lived c. 185 c. 110 BC), was a Stoic philosopher, and head of the Stoic school in Athens. He wrote extensively on Ethical topics, and did much to introduce Stoic doctrines to Rome.LifePanaetius, son of Nicagoras,… …   Wikipedia

  • Panaetius — ▪ Roman philosopher born c. 180, –109 BC       the founder of Roman Stoic philosophy, and a friend of Scipio Aemilianus and of Polybius.       A pupil in Athens of Diogenes of Seleucia and of Antipater of Tarsus, Panaetius also studied the… …   Universalium

  • PANAETIUS — I. PANAETIUS Equitum Atheniensium Magister, apud Aristophan. Equit. Actu 1. Sc. 3. II. PANAETIUS Philosophus Stoicus, patriâ Rhodius. Is fuit Scipionis praeceptor, quem in Aegyptum comitatusest; et Laelii saptentis amicus. Floruit A. 625. Urb.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Panaetius — Panaitios (latinisiert Panaetius, daher deutsch auch veraltet Panäz; * um 180 v. Chr. auf Rhodos; † um 110 v. Chr.) war ein stoischer Philosoph. Leben und Werk Panaitios studierte Philosophie bei Diogenes von Babylon in Athen. Danach lebte er in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Panaetius of Rhodes — (185–109 BC) Panaetius was head of the Stoa from 129 BC until his death. He was a companion of the general Scipio Aemilianus and accompanied him to the east. His views were mainly ethical, diluting Stoicism with enough Aristotelianism to make it… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Панеций — (Panaetius) стоик (180 110 до Р. Хр.); родился на острове Родосе, жил долгое время в Риме, находился в дружественных отношениях с Лелием и Сципионом Младшим; последнему он сопутствовал во время его путешествия на Восток и в Египет. Затем жил в… …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • ПАНЭТИЙ —    • Panaetĭus,          Παναίτιος,        1. сын Никанора, из Родоса, родился ок. 180 г. до Р. X. Философское образование он получил в Афинах у Диогена Вавилонского и его ученика Антипатра из Тарса. Оттуда он отправился в Рим, где подружился с… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Stoicism — /stoh euh siz euhm/, n. 1. a systematic philosophy, dating from around 300 B.C., that held the principles of logical thought to reflect a cosmic reason instantiated in nature. 2. (l.c.) conduct conforming to the precepts of the Stoics, as… …   Universalium

  • List of stoic philosophers — This is a list of Stoic philosophers, ordered (roughly) by date. The criteria for inclusion in this list is fairly mild. See also .3rd Century BC*Zeno of Citium (c. 334 262 BC), Founder of the Stoic school in Athens (c. 300 BC). *Persaeus (306… …   Wikipedia

  • Posidonius — (Greek: Ποσειδώνιος / Poseidonios) of Apameia (ὁ Απαμεύς) or of Rhodes (ὁ Ρόδιος) (ca. 135 BCE 51 BCE), was a GreekGeorge Sarton (1936). The Unity and Diversity of the Mediterranean World , Osiris 2, p. 406 463 [430] .] Stoic [Encyclopaedia… …   Wikipedia

  • Apollodorus — was a common Greek name. This article deals with the historian and mythographer.: For the Greco Syrian architect, see Apollodorus of Damascus. For other men of the same name see Apollodorus (disambiguation). : Not to be confused with Pseudo… …   Wikipedia

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