Смотреть что такое "palpebrum" в других словарях:
commissura — SYN: commissure. [L. a joining together, seam, fr. com mitto, to send together, combine] c. alba anterior [TA] SYN: white commissure. c. alba posterior [TA] SYN: white commissure. c. anterior [TA] SYN: anterior commissure. c. an … Medical dictionary
commissure — 1. Angle or corner of the eye, lips, or labia. 2. A bundle of nerve fibers passing from one side to the other in the brain or spinal cord. SYN: commissura [TA]. anterior c. [TA] a round bundle of … Medical dictionary
palpebral — /pal peuh breuhl, pal pee breuhl, peb reuhl/, adj. of or pertaining to the eyelids. [1830 40; < LL palpebralis of, on the eyelids, equiv. to L palpebr(a) eyelid (var. of palpebrum) + alis AL1] * * * … Universalium