- Paemani
- Paemāni, ōrum m.пеманы, бельгийское племя близ нын. Льежа Cs
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
PAEMANI — Belgii populi, Caesar, l. 2. Bell. Gall. c. 4. Peelanders (hi in Brabantia sunt) eos vertit Divaeus; Leodio autem in Arduenna silva sunt, ubi nunc Pemont vicus est. Baudrando in Eburonibus, versus Mosam fluv. ubi pars Occidentalis Ducatus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Paemani — The Paemani (or Poemani) were a GermanicJulius Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Gallico ] tribe of Gallia Belgica most probably located in the present day Famenne region of central Wallonia [ Précis d histoire liégeoise, par F. Magnette, Professeur à … Wikipedia
Paemani — Pémanes Les Pémanes (en latin Paemani ou Faemani) étaient un peuple celto germanique installé dans les Ardennes, certainement dans la région de la Famenne. Ils étaient rattachés aux tribus belges. Ce document provient de « P%C3%A9manes ».… … Wikipédia en Français
ПЕМАНЫ — • Paemāni, бельгийский народ в Галлии, к востоку от Мааса, в области нынешнего Люттиха; по Цезарю (Caes. b. g. 2, 4), они вместе с кондрусами, церэсами и эбуронами выставляли 40.000 воинов. След их имени сохранился в названии… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Pemanos — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mapa de los pueblos galos. Los pemanos (en latín, Paemani, también Faemani o Poemani) eran un pequeño celto germánico de la Galia Bélgica, instalado en las Ardenas, lo más probable es que se ubicara en lo que actu … Wikipedia Español
Civitas Tungrorum — The Civitas Tungrorum was a large Roman administrative district. In the early days of the Roman empire it was in the province of Gallia Belgica, but it later joined the neighbouring lower Rhine river border districts, within the province of… … Wikipedia
Belgae — The Belgae were a group of tribes living in northern Gaul in the 1st century BC, and later also attested in Britain. They gave their name to the Roman province of Gallia Belgica, and later, to the modern country of Belgium, where they are… … Wikipedia
Belges — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Belge. Carte des peuples gaulois. Les Belges (en latin Belgae) sont un peuple antique de Gaule septentrionale ( … Wikipédia en Français
Germani cisrhenani — is a Latin term which refers to that part of the tribal people known as Germani who lived to the west of the Rhine river. Cisrhenane, the English form of the word, means this side of the Rhine . The opposite is transrhenane or that side of the… … Wikipedia
Caeroesi — The Caeroesi (spelling variants include Caeraesi, Ceroesi, Cerosi) were a tribe living in Belgic Gaul when Julius Caesar s Roman forces entered the area in 57 BCE. They are know from his account of the Gallic War. They are generally also equated… … Wikipedia
CAERESI — et Paemani, una cum Eburonibus et Condrusis inter Belgas numerantur Caesari l. 2. c. 4. qui communi nomine germanos appellari tradit. Ceresos, et Pemanos aliqui melius forsitan scribunt. Marlianus Cheruscos illos mendose, hos Pemanos appellat, et … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale