- Apamea
- Apamēa (-īa), ae f.Апамея1) город в Сирии, к югу от Антиохии C, L2) город во Фригии, у слияния Меандра и Марсия C3) город в зап. Вифинии PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Apamea — Apamea … Wikipédia en Français
Apamea — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El nombre de Apamea o Apameia (griego: Απάμεια) puede referirse a alguna de las siguientes ciudades helénicas fundadas en Asia occidental por Seleuco I Nicátor, en honor a su esposa Apama: Apamea en Babilonia; Apamea … Wikipedia Español
APAMEA — APAMEA, city in lower Phrygia, near the sources of the Maeander River (today: the Turkish town of Dineir, on the Smyrna Egerdir railway). The city was founded by Antiochus I Soter (280–262 B.C.E.) and Jews probably resided there before the early… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Apamēa — (Apamīa), 1) (A. Myrlēa), früher Myrlea, Stadt in Bithynien am Schwarzen Meere, von Kolophoniern gegründet, von Philippos III. von Macedonien erobert u. dem König Prusias gegeben, der sie verschönerte u. nach seiner Gemahlin Apame nannte; später… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Apamea — Doucett … Wikipédia en Français
Apamea — This article is about the ancient cities named Apamea; for the moth genus, see Apamea (moth genus) Apamea or Apameia ( el. Απάμεια) is the name of several Hellenistic cities in western Asia, after Apama, the wife of Seleucus I Nicator: *Apamea… … Wikipedia
Apamea (moth genus) — Apamea Apamea lithoxylaea Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Apamea (Phrygia) — Apamea or Apameia ( el. Απάμεια) ndash; previously, Kibotos (Greek: κιβωτός), hê Kibôtos or Cibotus ndash; was an ancient city in Phrygia, Anatolia, founded by Antiochus I Soter (from whose mother, Apama, it received its name), near, but on lower … Wikipedia
Apamea zeta — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum … Wikipedia
Apamea zeta — Systematik Klasse: Insekten (Insecta) Ordnung: Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Apamea Myrlea — Apamea Myrlea, or Apamea Myrleon, was an ancient city on the Sea of Marmara, in Bithynia, Anatolia; the ruins are now found a few kilometers south of Mudanya, Bursa Province in the Asian part of Turkey. Contents 1 Names 2 Foundation 3 … Wikipedia