- Aous
Aōus, ī m.Аой, река в Иллирии L, PM
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
AOUS — I. AOUS fluv. in eâ parte Macedoniae; quae mari Adriatico adiacet, non procul ab Apollonia in mare illabens; Vaiussa hodie. Lous Ptol. Aeas Straboni ac Melae l. 2. c. 3. dici videtur. II. AOUS fluv. qui Laurembergio Alus, Appiano Alorus, Plut.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Aous — Vjosa Le vieux pont ottoman de Kónitsa sur l Aoos. La Vjosa (en albanais Vjosë/Vjosa) ou l’Aoos (en grec Αώος, en latin Aous) est une rivière du nord ouest de la Grèce et du sud ouest de l Albanie. Son cours est de 272 km, dont 80 km en Grèce … Wikipédia en Français
Aous Shakra — (also Aboushakra, Aous Chakra) (April 22, 1908 April 1, 1992) was an existential philosopher and politician. He was the Palestinian ambassador to the U.N. in late 1991, 6 months before passing away. His most notable writings included: What? When? … Wikipedia
Aous — Provenance. Prénom d origine arabe. Signifie: cadeau, don Histoire. Depuis maintenant quatorze siècles, la plupart des musulmans, de par le monde, qu ils soient asiatiques, africains, européens ou américains, ont à coeur de choisir pour leurs… … Dictionnaire des prénoms français, arabes et bretons
Battle of the Aous — The Battle of the Aous was fought in 198 BC between Rome and Macedon, at or near modern Tepelenë in Albania. The Roman force was led by Titus Quinctius Flamininus and the Macedonians were led by Philip V. Flamininus won the battle, and the two… … Wikipedia
Musique arabo-andalouse — Pour l’article homonyme, voir Andalouse (homonymie). Pour l’article homonyme, voir Andalou (homonymie). Musique arabo andalouse Origines culturelles … Wikipédia en Français
Campaign history of the Roman military — This article is part of the series on: Military of ancient Rome (portal) 753 BC – AD 476 Structural history Roman army (unit types and ranks … Wikipedia
Andalusian classical music — The lute was adopted from the Arab world. 1568 print. Andalusian classical music (Arabic: طرب أندلسي, trans. mousiqua al âla, Spanish: música andalusí) is a style of Moorish music found across North Africa in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. It… … Wikipedia
Andalusi nubah — For the Algerian musical form, see Nuubaat. Andalusi nubah (نوبة أندلسيّة) is a musical genre found in the North African Maghrib states of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya but, as the name indicates, it has its origins in the Arabo Andalusian … Wikipedia
Apollonia, Illyria — Apollonia a city of the ancient world (located in modern day Albania), known as Apollonia ( sq. Apolonia or Apollonia, el. Aπολλωνία κατ Επίδαμνον or Απολλωνία προς Επιδάμνω), was located on the right bank of the Aous; its ruins are situated in… … Wikipedia
Byllis — (Ancient Greek; Βύλλις or Βουλλίς ) was at first an Illyrian settlement [Wilkes, J. J. The Illyrians, 1992,ISBN 0631198075,Page 97, ... the Bylliones beyond the river Aous in the hinterland of Apollonia . Their hill settlement developed later… … Wikipedia