- oscen
ōscēn, inis m. (редко f.) [obs + cano ] культ.вещая птица (ворон, ворона, сова), по крику которой авгуры делали предсказания Vr, C, H, Sid etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Oscen — (lat.), 1) Singvogel; 2) in den Augurien waren Oscines solche Vögel, aus deren Stimmen geweissagt wurde, wie Rabe, Eule, Specht, Hahn … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Oscines — Os ci*nes, n. pl. [L. oscen, inis.] (Zo[ o]l.) Singing birds; a group of the Passeres, having numerous syringeal muscles, conferring musical ability. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oscine — adjective Etymology: New Latin Oscines, suborder name, from Latin, plural of oscin , oscen songbird, bird giving omens by its cry, from obs , ob in front of, in the way + canere to sing more at ob , chant Date: 1883 of or relating to a large… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Songbird — For other uses, see Songbird (disambiguation). Songbirds Male Superb Lyrebird Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Oscĭnes — (lat.), s.u. Oscen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
kan- — To sing. 1. hen, from Old English hen(n), hen, from Germanic *han(e)nī. 2. a. canorous, cant2, cantabile, cantata, canticle, cantillate … Universalium
oscine — /os in, uyn/, adj. 1. of, belonging to, or pertaining to the suborder Oscines, of the order Passeriformes, comprising the songbirds that have highly developed vocal organs. n. 2. an oscine bird. [1880 85, Amer.; < NL Oscines name of the suborder … Universalium
Southwest Florida Council — Owner … Wikipedia
Oscines — Ọscines [lateinisch oscen »Weissagevogel«], wissenschaftlicher Name der Singvögel. … Universal-Lexikon
oscine — (o ssi n ) 1° S. m. pl. Il se dit quelquefois, en français, des oiseaux dont les Romains consultaient le chant pour en tirer des augures. 2° S. f. Oscine dévastante, insecte qui fait du mal aux grains dans les greniers. ÉTYMOLOGIE Lat.… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
oscino — o·scì·no s.m. TS ornit. uccello del sottordine degli Oscini con una particolare struttura della siringe, che gli consente una notevole capacità canora | pl. con iniz. maiusc., in alcune classificazioni, sottordine dell ordine dei Passeriformi… … Dizionario italiano