- orichalcum
orīchalcum, ī n. (греч.)1) медь (преим. жёлтая) C, H, V2) медная труба (orichalca movere VF)3) медное оружие (orichalca renīdent St)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Orichalcum — is a metal mentioned in several ancient writings, most notably the story of Atlantis as recounted in the Critias dialogue, recorded by Plato. According to Critias, orichalcum was considered second only to gold in value, and was found and mined in … Wikipedia
ORICHALCUM — apuc Horat. de Arte, v. 202. Virg. Aen. l. 12. v. 87. et Stat. Theb. l. 10. Graecis ὀρείχαλκος. i. e. montanum aes, verum nomen huius metalli est, quod Romanorum vetusl issimi, Plautum in Curcul. Actu 1. sc. 3. v. 46. et Pseudolo, Actu 2. sc. 3.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Orichalcum — Orichalcum, Oricalco u Orihalcon es un metal legendario mencionado en escritos antiguos siendo los más significativos los escritos de Platón sobre la Atlántida. Según estos escritos este metal sería el segundo metal más valioso y minó por muchas… … Wikipedia Español
Orichalcum — steht für: Oreichalkos Orichalcum (Gattung), eine Heuschrecken Gattung Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Orichalcum — (gr.), so v.w. Aurichalcum … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Orichalcum — (Aurichalcum), Messing … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
orichalcum — Orichalch Or i*chalch, n. [L. orichalcum, Gr. ?; o ros, mountain + chalko s brass: cf. F. orichalque.] A metallic substance, resembling gold in color, but inferior in value; a mixed metal of the ancients, resembling brass; called also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
orichalcum — noun /ɒɹɪˈkalkəm/ A valuable yellow metal known to the ancient Greeks and Romans; now sometimes interpreted as referring to a natural alloy of gold and copper, and sometimes treated as a mythical substance. Many walls were coated with metals –… … Wiktionary
orichalcum — A yellow bronze, an alloy of copper and zinc, resembling gold when new. Its name comes from two Greek words: oros meaning mountain, and chalkos, brass. The Romans made two coins made of orichalcum: the sestertius and the dupondius. Also see… … Glossary of Art Terms
orichalcum — /awr i kal keuhm/, n. a brass rich in zinc, prepared by the ancients. [1640 50; < L < Gk oreíchalkos lit., mountain copper, equiv. to orei , comb. form of óros mountain + chalkós copper] * * * … Universalium
orichalcum — or·i·chal·cum … English syllables