- ordinalis
ōrdinalis, e [ ordo ] грам.порядковый (nomen)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Asiatisches Streifenhörnchen — Burunduk Burunduk (Tamias sibiricus) Systematik Unterordnung: Hörnchenverwandte (Sciuromorpha) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Burunduk — (Tamias sibiricus) Systematik Unterordnung: Hörnchenverwandte (Sciuromorpha) Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sibirisches Streifenhörnchen — Burunduk Burunduk (Tamias sibiricus) Systematik Unterordnung: Hörnchenverwandte (Sciuromorpha) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tamias sibiricus — Burunduk Burunduk (Tamias sibiricus) Systematik Unterordnung: Hörnchenverwandte (Sciuromorpha) … Deutsch Wikipedia
ordinal — 1. ordinal, ale, aux [ ɔrdinal, o ] adj. et n. m. • 1550; lat. gramm. ordinalis 1 ♦ Qui marque l ordre, le rang. Nombre ordinal, qui désigne le rang d un nombre cardinal. N. m. L ordinal de E : tout ensemble E dans lequel l appartenance est un… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ordinal — I. noun Date: 14th century 1. capitalized [Middle English, from Medieval Latin ordinale, from Late Latin, neuter of ordinalis] a book of rites for the ordination of deacons, priests, and bishops 2. [Late Latin ordinalis, from ordinalis,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
ordinal — {{11}}ordinal (adj.) late 14c., regular, ordinary, from L.L. ordinalis. marking position in an order or series, 1590s, from L.L. ordinalis showing order, denoting an order of succession, from L. ordo (gen. ordinis) row, series (see ORDER (Cf.… … Etymology dictionary
ordinal — ordinal1 ordinally, adv. /awr dn euhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to an order, as of animals or plants. 2. of or pertaining to order, rank, or position in a series. n. 3. an ordinal number or numeral. [1590 1600; < LL ordinalis in order equiv. to… … Universalium
ordinal — (Del lat. ordo, inis.) ► adjetivo 1 Que hace referencia al orden. ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino 2 GRAMÁTICA Se aplica al número y al adjetivo que indican orden en una secuencia. * * * ordinal (del lat. «ordinālis») adj. y n. m. Se aplica a los … Enciclopedia Universal
ordinal — I or•di•nal [[t]ˈɔr dn əl[/t]] adj. 1) of or pertaining to an order, as of animals or plants 2) cvb of or pertaining to order, rank, or position in a series 3) an ordinal number or numeral • Etymology: 1590–1600; < LL ōrdinālis in order… … From formal English to slang
Ordinal — Or di*nal, a. [L. ordinalis, fr. ordo, ordinis, order. See {Order}.] 1. Indicating order or succession; as, the ordinal numbers, first, second, third, etc. Contrasted to {cardinal}. [1913 Webster +PJC] 2. Of or pertaining to an order. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English