- opprobrium
- ī n. [ opprobro ]1) поношение (o. majorum T); позор, бесчестьеalicui opprobrio esse C, Nep — лечь позорным пятном на кого-л.2) попрёк, брань (opprobria dicere O и fundere H)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Opprobrium — Op*pro bri*um, n. [L., fr. ob (see {Ob }) + probrum reproach, disgrace.] A state of disgrace; infamy; reproach mingled with contempt; odium[3]. [1913 Webster+PJC] 2. Abusive language. [1913 Webster] Being both dramatic author and dramatic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
opprobrium — (n.) 1680s, from L. opprobrium disgrace, infamy, from opprobare (see OPPROBRIOUS (Cf. opprobrious)) … Etymology dictionary
Opprobrium — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Death Metal, Thrash Metal Gründung 1986 Aktuelle Besetzung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Opprobrĭum — (lat.), Schimpf, Beschimpfung. Daher Opprobriren, Jemandem etwas vorwerfen; Oprobration, schimpflicher Vorwurf … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
opprobrium — I noun abasement, attaint, bad light, bad name, blot, brand, contempt, culpability, debasement, dedecus, defamation, degradation, derogation, disapprobation, discredit, disesteem, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, disrespect, humiliation, ignobility … Law dictionary
opprobrium — obloquy, odium, ignominy, infamy, shame, *disgrace, dishonor, disrepute Analogous words: *abuse, invective, vituperation, obloquy, scurrility: censure, denunciation, condemnation, reprehension (see corresponding verbs at CRITICIZE) Contrasted… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
opprobrium — [n] disgrace black eye*, blemish, debasement, debasing, degradation, discredit, dishonor, disrepute, disrespect, humiliation, ignominy, ill repute, infamy, loss of honor, obloquy, shame, stain, stigma, tarnish; concept 388 … New thesaurus
opprobrium — ► NOUN 1) harsh criticism or scorn. 2) public disgrace arising from shameful conduct. ORIGIN Latin, infamy … English terms dictionary
opprobrium — [ə prō′brē əm] n. [L < opprobrare, to reproach < ob (see OB ) + probrum, a disgrace < pro (see PRO 2) + * bhrom < base of ferre,BEAR1, formed after Gr propherein, to bring forward, allege, reproach] 1. the disgrace or infamy attached… … English World dictionary
opprobrium — [[t]əpro͟ʊbriəm[/t]] N UNCOUNT Opprobrium is open criticism or disapproval of something that someone has done. [FORMAL] His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left. ...public opprobrium. Syn: censure … English dictionary
Opprobrium — Incubus (groupe metal) Incubus est un groupe de death metal originaire de Louisiane aux États Unis et fondé en 1986. Biographie Lorsque ce groupe sortit son premier album le style death metal était encore relativement peu populaire. Entre autres… … Wikipédia en Français