- opificina
opificīna, ae f. [ opifex ]мастерская Pl
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Medical community of ancient Rome — Symbolic statue of Asclepius holding the Rod of Asclepius. In later times it was confused with the Caduceus, which has two snakes. The snake shown may have originated as a parasitic worm removed on a stick, but it played a role as a healing… … Wikipedia
Officinal — Of*fic i*nal, a. [F., fr. L. officina a workshop, contr. fr. opificina, fr. opifex a workman; opus work + facere to make or do.] 1. Used in a shop, or belonging to it. [Obs. or R.] Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Pharm.) Kept in stock by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Taraxacum officinale — Common Dandelion Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unranked) … Wikipedia
Officinalis — is a Medieval Latin epithet denoting substances or organisms – mainly plants – with uses in medicine and herbalism. It commonly occurs as a species name of such organisms. Etymology The word officinalis literally means of or belonging to an… … Wikipedia
officinal — officinally, adv. /euh fis euh nl/, adj. 1. kept in stock by apothecaries, as a drug. Cf. magistral (def. 1). 2. recognized by a pharmacopoeia. n. 3. an officinal medicine. [1710 20; < ML officinalis of a store or workshop, equiv. to L officin(a) … Universalium
officine — [ ɔfisin ] n. f. • 1160; lat. officina 1 ♦ Vx Boutique, atelier. ♢ (1643) Fig. et mod. Endroit où se prépare, où s élabore qqch. Une officine de fausses nouvelles. « Une officine d espionnage allemand » (Aragon) . 2 ♦ (1812) Vx Laboratoire annexé … Encyclopédie Universelle
fucina — fu·cì·na s.f. 1a. CO focolare su cui i fabbri arroventano il ferro da lavorare | estens., officina del fabbro 1b. TS metall. → forgia 2a. CO fig., luogo, ambiente che favorisce la formazione di alte personalità o grandi ingegni; centro propulsore … Dizionario italiano
officina — {{hw}}{{officina}}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Locale o complesso di locali attrezzati per la trasformazione del grezzo o del semilavorato in prodotto commerciale | (est.) Complesso delle macchine impiegate in tale trasformazione | Officina di riparazione,… … Enciclopedia di italiano
officina — s.f. [dal lat. officina, da un prec. opificina, der. di opĭfex fĭcis operaio, artigiano ]. 1. a. [impianto industriale nel quale si effettuano lavorazioni meccaniche e metallurgiche: o. elettromeccanica ] ▶◀ fabbrica, manifattura, (non com.)… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Offizin — Sf Werkstätte mit nicht handwerklicher Arbeit (Buchdruckerei, Apotheke usw.) per. Wortschatz fach. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. officīna Werkstätte , älter l. opificīna, zu l. opifex Handwerker (zu l. opus Werk und l. facere tun ;… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
officinal — (adj.) kept in stock by a druggist, c.1720, from Fr. officinal, from M.L. officinalis, lit. of or belonging in an officina, a storeroom (of a monastery) for medicines and necessaries, in classical Latin workshop, laboratory, contraction of… … Etymology dictionary