- ollus
a, um арх. Enn , C etc. = ille
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
al-1, ol- — al 1, ol English meaning: “besides; other” Deutsche Übersetzung: Pron. stem “darũber hinaus” Note: Root al 1, ol : “besides; other” derived from Root alü : interjectIon. Material: Lat. uls “ beyond “, *ulter, tra, trum “… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Верт Эдмунд Альбертович — филолог (1839 1907). В 1866 г. переселился в Россию, преподавал латинский язык в петербургском историко филологическом институте, училище Правоведения, первой гимназии и училище при реформатских церквах. Поместил в Журнале Министерства Народного… … Биографический словарь
лони — в прошлом году , арханг., олонецк. (см. Ляпунов, РФВ 76, 253), лонись – то же, лонясь, лонысь, южн. (Преобр.), укр. лони, др. русск. лони, цслав. лани πέρυσι, болг. лани (Младенов 270), сербохорв. ла̑ни, лани, словен. lani, чеш. loni, слвц. lani … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
Ulterior — Ul*te ri*or, a. [L., comp. of ultra, ultro, beyond, on the other side, properly cases of an old adjective, formed with a comparative suffix, which is akin to OL. uls beyond, L. olim formerly, hereafter, orig., at that time, ille that, OL. olle,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ulterior aim — Ulterior Ul*te ri*or, a. [L., comp. of ultra, ultro, beyond, on the other side, properly cases of an old adjective, formed with a comparative suffix, which is akin to OL. uls beyond, L. olim formerly, hereafter, orig., at that time, ille that, OL … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ulterior motive — Ulterior Ul*te ri*or, a. [L., comp. of ultra, ultro, beyond, on the other side, properly cases of an old adjective, formed with a comparative suffix, which is akin to OL. uls beyond, L. olim formerly, hereafter, orig., at that time, ille that, OL … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ulterior object — Ulterior Ul*te ri*or, a. [L., comp. of ultra, ultro, beyond, on the other side, properly cases of an old adjective, formed with a comparative suffix, which is akin to OL. uls beyond, L. olim formerly, hereafter, orig., at that time, ille that, OL … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ulterior — adjective Etymology: Latin, farther, further, comparative of *ulter situated beyond, from uls beyond; akin to Latin ollus, ille, that one, Old Irish indoll beyond Date: 1646 1. a. further, future b. more distant ; remoter c. situated on the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nils Torvalds — (born August 7, 1945 in Ekenäs) is a Finnish broadcast journalist, writer and politician. Torvalds is the son of the poet Ole Torvalds, and the father of the computer programmer Linus Torvalds of Linux kernel fame.[1] Contents 1 Journalist career … Wikipedia
Diminutive — In language structure, a diminutive,[1] or diminutive form (abbreviated dim), is a formation of a word used to convey a slight degree of the root meaning, smallness of the object or quality named, encapsulation, intimacy, or endearment.[2][3] It… … Wikipedia
Abel Servien — Abel Servien, marquis de Sablé et de Boisdauphin,[1] comte de Roche Servien and comte de La Roche des Aubiers (November 1, 1593 – February 17, 1659) was a French diplomat who served Cardinal Mazarin and signed for the French at the Treaty of… … Wikipedia