- ocymum
ōcymum v. l. = ocimum
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
OCYMUM — inter hortensia, memoratum Plinio l. 19. c. 6. particulatim et ab imo incipit: qua de cau a diutissime flcret. Et l. eod. c. seq. Nihil ocimô fecundius: cum maledictis et probris serendum praecipiunt, ut laetius proveniat. Ubi de maledictis et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ocymum basilicum — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ocymum minimum — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Basil — Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or lesser… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Basil thyme — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calamintha Acinos — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calamintha clinopodium — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Calamintha Nepeta — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Wild basil — Basil Bas il, n. [F. basilic, fr. L. basilicus royal, Gr. basiliko s fr. basiley s king.] (Bot.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil ({Ocymum basilicum}), and the bush basil, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
БАЗИЛИК — муж. растение, душистый василек, васильки пахучие, Ocymum basilicum. Базилика жен. растение Clinopodium или Calamintha; шаружник, пахучка, матерник, змеевик, дикий василек. Васильком называют: Centaurea, Ocymum, Calamintha, Erythraea и пр.… … Толковый словарь Даля
ДУШКА — умалит. Женушка душка, любит мягкую подушку. | Часть шеи против глотки и пониже; самая ямочка на горле; в мехах, эта же часть меха, из которой и подбираются дущатые меха; душка, в птице, грудинка к переду, где грудная косточка, вилка, и самая… … Толковый словарь Даля