- Ochus
Ōchus, ī m. Ox1) река в Средней Азии (ныне Теджен) PM2) прозвище персидского царя Артаксеркса III (359— 338 гг. до н. э.) QC, Just3) сын Дария Кодоманна QC
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Ochus — may refer to: Mochus e.g. in Diogenes Laertius King Darius II of Persia, originally called Ochus King Artaxerxes III of Persia, originally called Ochus Ochus, son of Darius III of Persia An old name for Panj River Ochus (butterfly), a genus of… … Wikipedia
OCHUS — I. OCHUS Rex Persarum, qui avaritiae notâ adeo laboravit, ut urbem numquam iniret, ne mulieribus congiarium impartiretur. Nam Cyrus lege sanxerat, ut, quo primum Rex Persarum ingrederetur, mulieres quotuot adessent, singu os auri nummos ab ipso… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ochus (skipper) — Ochus Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta … Wikipedia
=ochus — (G). Anything that holds or supports … Dictionary of word roots and combining forms
Manduca ochus — Manduca ochus … Wikipédia en Français
Manduca ochus — Manduca ochus, adult Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Copris ochus — ? Copris ochus Научная классификация Царство: Животные Тип: Членистоногие Класс: Насекомые … Википедия
Darius II Ochus — ▪ king of Persia died 404 BC, Babylon [now in Iraq] Achaemenid king (reigned 423–404 BC) of Persia. The son of Artaxerxes I by a Babylonian concubine, he seized the throne from his half brother Secydianus (or Sogdianus), whom he then… … Universalium
ANTI`OCHUS — name of three Syrian kings of the dynasty of the Seleucidæ: A. I., SOTER, i. e. Saviour, son of one of Alexander s generals, fell heir of all Syria; king from 281 to 261 B.C. A. II … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
ARCHIL`OCHUS — a celebrated lyric poet of Greece; of a satiric and often bitter vein, the inventor of iambic verse (714 676 B.C.) … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Second Persian conquest of Egypt — Ochus, besides his 330,000 Asiatics, had now a force of 14,000 Greeks, the mercenaries under Mentor having joined him. Marshalling his army in four divisions, he proceeded to the attack. The first, second, and third divisions contained, each of… … Wikipedia