Смотреть что такое "occultate" в других словарях:
occultate — index camouflage Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Gerardo Huber — Olivares (disappeared 29 January, 1992) was a Chilean Army Colonel and agent of the DINA Chilean intelligence agency, in charge of buying weapons abroad for the Chilean Army Larry Rohter, [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/19/world/americas/19chile.h… … Wikipedia
camouflage — I verb adumbrate, alter the appearance of, assume a mask, be concealed, becloud, becurtain, bedim, befog, bemask, blanket, blind, bury, change the face of, cloak, close the curtain, cloud, color, conceal, couch, cover, cover up, curtain, deceive … Law dictionary
becloud — Synonyms and related words: addle, addle the wits, ball up, bedarken, bedazzle, bedim, befog, befuddle, begloom, bemist, bewilder, black, black out, blacken, blanket, blind, block the light, blot out, blur, bother, brown, bug, camouflage, cast a… … Moby Thesaurus
black out — Synonyms and related words: annul, becloud, bedarken, bedim, begloom, black, blacken, block the light, blot out, brown, cancel, cast a shadow, censor, cloud, cloud over, crap out, darken, darken over, delete, dim, dim out, drop, eclipse, efface,… … Moby Thesaurus
blacken — Synonyms and related words: abuse, asperse, attaint, bark at, becloud, bedarken, bedaub, bedim, begloom, begrime, berate, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, besmutch, besoil, bespatter, bestain, betongue, black, black out, blackwash, block the light,… … Moby Thesaurus
blot out — Synonyms and related words: abate, abbreviate, abolish, abridge, annul, becloud, bedarken, bedim, begloom, black, black out, blacken, blast, block the light, blot, blue pencil, bowdlerize, brown, bump off, cancel, cast a shadow, censor, cloud,… … Moby Thesaurus
brown — Synonyms and related words: Argos brown, Bordeaux, Cologne brown, Mexican red, Roman umber, Saint Benoit, Turkey umber, acorn, alesan, alizarin brown, anthracene brown, anthragallol, antique brown, antique gold, autumn leaf, bake, barbecue, baste … Moby Thesaurus
cloud — Synonyms and related words: a mass of, a world of, addle, addle the wits, adumbrate, afterdamp, apply to, army, ball up, becloud, bedarken, bedazzle, bedim, befog, befuddle, befuddlement, begloom, bemist, besmear, besmirch, bevy, bewilder,… … Moby Thesaurus
darken — Synonyms and related words: attaint, bandage, beat down, becloud, bedarken, bedaub, bedazzle, bedim, befog, begloom, bemist, benight, besmear, besmirch, besmoke, bestain, black, black out, blacken, blackwash, blanch, blind, blind the eyes,… … Moby Thesaurus
dim — Synonyms and related words: achromatic, achromatize, achromic, amorphous, anemic, ashen, ashy, banausic, bandage, barely audible, becloud, bedarken, bedazzle, bedim, befog, begloom, benight, black, black out, blacken, blah, blanch, bleach, blear … Moby Thesaurus