- Antimachus
ī m.Антимах, греч. поэт из Колофона (V в. до н. э.) O, Ctl, C, Q
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Antimachus — Antimachus, of Colophon or Claros, Greek poet and grammarian, flourished about 400 BC.Scarcely anything is known of his life. His poetical efforts were not generally appreciated, although he received encouragement from his younger contemporary… … Wikipedia
Antimachus — Antimachus, aus Klaros, um 444 v. Chr., Dichter des Epos Thebais, bis auf geringe Bruchstücke verloren … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Antimachus I — For other uses of name see Antimachus [ thumb|350px|right|Silver coin of Antimachus I (171 160 BC). Obv: Bust of Antimachus I. Rev: Depiction of Poseidon, with Greek legend BASILEOS TEOU ANTIMACHOU God King Antimachus .] Anthimachus I was one of… … Wikipedia
Antimachus II — For other uses of the name see Antimachus Antimachus II Nikephoros The Victorious was an Indo Greek king. He ruled on a vast territory from the Hindu Kush to the Punjab around 170 BCE. He was almost certainly identical with the eponymous son of… … Wikipedia
ANTIMACHUS — I. ANTIMACHUS Cinaedus quidam et formosus feminarum amore insaniens. Alter malitiae nomine a Comicis taxatus. Tertius cognomine ψεκὰς, h. e. minuta pluvia. Quartus Trapezita, cuius meminit Eupolis εν Δήμοις. Quintus, Historicus. II. ANTIMACHUS… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Antimachus (disambiguation) — Antimachus may refer to these historical persons:# Antimachus I, a Graeco Bactrian king. # Antimachus II, another Graeco Bactrian king. # Antimachus of Colophon or Claros, an Ancient Greek poet. # Antimachus of Teos, an Ancient Greek epic poet. # … Wikipedia
ANTIMACHUS Marcus Antonius — vide Marcus Antonius … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Antimachus of Teos — For other uses of the name see AntimachusAntimachus of Teos was an early Greek epic poet. According to Plutarch ( Life of Romulus 12.2) he observed an eclipse of the sun in 753 BC, the same year in which Rome was founded. The epic Epigoni , a… … Wikipedia
Antimachus of Colophon — ▪ Greek poet and scholar flourished c. 410 BC, Colophon, Ionia [in modern Turkey] Greek poet and scholar, author of an epic in 24 books entitled Thebais, about the expedition of the Seven Against Thebes. This work enjoyed little popular… … Universalium
Antimachus — Antimachos (griech. Ἀντίμαχος) bezeichnet: Antimachos (Troja), einen mythischen Trojaner Antimachos von Kolophon (um 400 v. Chr.), einen epischen Dichter der klassischen Zeit Antimachos von Teos (um 750 v. Chr.), einen frühen epischen Dichter … Deutsch Wikipedia
Antimachus — /an tim euh keuhs/, n. 1. Also called the Colophonian. fl. c410 B.C. Greek poet. 2. (in the Iliad) a chieftain who believed that the Trojans should not return Helen to Menelaus. * * * … Universalium