
obtulī pf. к offero

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "obtuli" в других словарях:

  • Papal Oath (Traditionalist Catholic) — The Papal Oath is an oath (see text below) that some Traditionalist Catholics say was taken by the popes of the Catholic Church, starting with Pope Saint Agatho, who was elected on 27 June 678. They claim that over 180 popes, down to and… …   Wikipedia

  • Traditional Ambrosian Rite — This article is about the form of the Ambrosian Rite used before the Vatican II; for an explanation of the history and of the current form of this Rite, see Ambrosian Rite. Traditional Ambrosian Rite is the form of the Ambrosian Rite used before… …   Wikipedia

  • Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite — • The liturgy and Rite of the Church of Milan, which derives its name from St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan (374 397) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite     Ambrosian Liturgy and Rite …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • ANTESTARI — quid sit, docet Acron in Hor atii Serm. l. 1. Sat. 9. v. 75. Denuntiantes litem antestatos habebant, quibus praesentibus conveniebat, ut aurem illis tertio vellerent. Solebant enim testium aures tenere, et ita dicere: Memento, quod tu mihi in… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • CARSAMATIUS — a voce barbaro Graeca Καρσαμάτιος, Eunuchus est, penitus exsectus, cuiusinodi spadonum genus gynaeceum Turcarum Imperator. tuetur. Vox apud Luithprandum occurrit, l. 6. c. 3. Obtuli mancipia quatuor carsamatia Imperatori, nominatis omnibus… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • JUGURTHA — fil. Mastanabalis, fratris Micipsae, ex pellice, nepos Masinislae, Regis Numidarum, quem patruus Moriens heredem regni sui constituit, una cum 2. filiis suis adhuc impuberibus, Adherbale, et Hiemsale: quos ille postea beneficiorum immemor,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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