obtestatio — index appeal, entreaty Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
obtestatio — (s.f.) obsecratio … Dizionario di retorica par stefano arduini & matteo damiani
obtestación — ► sustantivo femenino RETÓRICA Figura que consiste en poner a la divinidad, una persona o una cosa por testigo de un hecho: ■ pongo por testigo esta cruz que lo que digo es verdad. * * * obtestación (del lat. «obtestatĭo, ōnis») f. *Figura… … Enciclopedia Universal
Obtestation — Ob tes*ta tion, n. [L. obtestatio.] The act of obtesting; supplication; protestation. [R.] [1913 Webster] Antonio asserted this with great obtestation. Evelyn. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
appeal — ap·peal 1 /ə pēl/ n [Old French apel, from apeler to call, accuse, appeal, from Latin appellare]: a proceeding in which a case is brought before a higher court for review of a lower court s judgment for the purpose of convincing the higher court… … Law dictionary
entreaty — I noun adjuration, appeal, beseechment, call, cry, earnest request, impetration, imploration, importunity, invocation, obsecratio, obsecration, obtestatio, petition, plea, prayer, preces, request, solicitation, suit, supplication II index … Law dictionary
obtestación — (Del lat. obtestatĭo, ōnis). f. Ret. Figura que consiste en poner por testigo de algo a Dios, a los hombres, a la naturaleza, a las cosas inanimadas, etc … Diccionario de la lengua española
obtestation — ˌ ̷ ̷ˌteˈstāshən noun ( s) Etymology: Latin obtestation , obtestatio, from obtestatus (past participle of obtestari) + ion , io ion : an act of obtesting : solemn supplication or adjuration … Useful english dictionary