OBSES — qui traditur imperio alicuius, eâ conditione, ut si dator eius a fide recedat, recipienti sit potestas in vitam et corpus eius, qui Obses datusest, saeviendi. Vide Bartolum in l. divus, ff. de iure fisc. Adeoque Sponsor, praes; in Epist olis… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
obses — index hostage Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
obsés — ob|sés Mot Agut Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
obses — /obsiyz/ In time of war, a hostage … Black's law dictionary
obsessive-compulsive — obses′sive compul′sive adj. 1) psi of, pertaining to, or characterized by the persistent intrusion of unwanted thoughts accompanied by ritualistic actions, regarded as a form of neurosis 2) psi a person with obsessive compulsive characteristics • … From formal English to slang
ostage — Ostage, m. penac. Est la personne qui est baillée à l ennemy de guerre, pour seureté et entretenement de la foy, parole et promesse de celuy qui le baille, comme gage militaire, comme si l on disoit ostgage, et fut composé de ces deux mots, ost… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Tincomarus — (a dithematic name form typical of insular and continental Celtic onomastics, analysable as tinco , perhaps a sort of fish [cf Latin tinca , English tench ] + maro , big ) was a king of the Iron Age Belgic tribe of the Atrebates who lived in… … Wikipedia
Obsessed (2009 film) — Obsessed Theatrical release poster Directed by Steve Shill Produced by … Wikipedia
Tincomarus — était un des rois des Atrébates durant l âge du fer. Stater de Tincomarus, roi des Atrébates. Sommaire 1 Étymologie … Wikipédia en Français
Tincomaro — estátera de Tincomaro Tincomarus[1] fue un rey de la tribu belga de los atrébates, que vivió en la zona sur central de Britania poco antes de la Conquista romana de Britania. Era el hijo y heredero de Comio … Wikipedia Español
Atrebates — The Atrebates (singular Atrebas , meaning settlers ) were a Belgic tribe of Gaul and Britain before the Roman conquests. The Atrebates in GaulThe Gaulish Atrebates lived in or around modern Artois in northern France. Their capital, Nemetocenna,… … Wikipedia