- observantia
- ae f. [ observans ]1) наблюдение (temporum VP)2) соблюдение (morum VM; legum Dig); исполнение (catholicae observantiae fides CTh)3) почтительность, почтение, уважение (in aliquem L или alicujus C)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
observantia — index homage, respect Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
viride observantia — See in viride observantia … Ballentine's law dictionary
summa observantia — sum|ma ob|ser|van|tia [ ...v...] <lat. > mit höchster Achtsamkeit, mit größter Hochachtung … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
a communi observantia non est recedendum — /ey kamyuwnay obzarvensh(iy)a non est riysadendam/ From common observance there should be no departure; there must be no departure from common usage. A maxim formerly applied to the practice of the courts, to the ancient and established forms of… … Black's law dictionary
non est recedendum a communi observantia — /non est resadendam ey kamyuwnay 6bzarvaensh(iy)a/ There should be no departure from a common observance … Black's law dictionary
a communi observantia non est recedendum — /ey kamyuwnay obzarvensh(iy)a non est riysadendam/ From common observance there should be no departure; there must be no departure from common usage. A maxim formerly applied to the practice of the courts, to the ancient and established forms of… … Black's law dictionary
non est recedendum a communi observantia — /non est resadendam ey kamyuwnay 6bzarvaensh(iy)a/ There should be no departure from a common observance … Black's law dictionary
a communi observantia non est recedendum — From common usage there should be no departure … Ballentine's law dictionary
Communi observantia non est recedendum — There must not be a departure from common or general observation or practice. The probable ori gin of this maxim is traced in O Donnell v Glenn, 9 Mont 452, 23 P 1018 … Ballentine's law dictionary
in viridi observantia — In fresh attention; present in one s mind … Ballentine's law dictionary
observance — [ ɔpsɛrvɑ̃s ] n. f. • XIIIe; lat. observantia 1 ♦ Action d observer habituellement, de pratiquer une règle en matière religieuse; obéissance (à la règle). ⇒ observation, 1. pratique. « L observance de la loi du Seigneur » (Massillon). (Règle non… … Encyclopédie Universelle