- oblivium
- oblīvium, ī n. [ obliviscor ] поэт.забвениеalicujus rei oblivia agere O (ducere H) — забывать о чём-л.oblivia rerum Lcr — беспамятство
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
OBLIVIUM — Graece Λήθη, nomen castri in Perside, sic dicti, ut ait Procopius de bello Persic. l. 1. c. 5. quod de illo, qui eo esset coniectus, mentionem unquam fieri ex Lege vetitum, poena etiam capitalis illis posita esset, qui eius nomen protulissent.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
oblivium — … Useful english dictionary
Polygonum sawatchense Small ssp. oblivium Costea & Tardif — Symbol PODOJ2 Synonym Symbol POSAO Botanical Family Polygonaceae … Scientific plant list
Mar de Copas — Background information Origin Lima, Peru Genres Alternative … Wikipedia
Spells in Harry Potter — occur in the wizarding world of the series of books by author J. K. Rowling. Magic spells are used by many of the characters to achieve useful effects without the benefit of modern technology. The main depiction of a spell in the Harry Potter… … Wikipedia
oblivieux — oblivieux, euse (entrée créée par le supplément) (o bli vi eû, eû z ) adj. Néologisme tiré du latin. Qui produit l oubli. • Il faudra donc quitter ce beau rivage, Pour m en aller aux bords oblivieux, Terme éternel d un rapide voyage, P. LEBRUN… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
oubliettes — (ou bli è t ) s. f. pl. 1° Cachot où l on enfermait ceux qui étaient condamnés à une prison perpétuelle, et que l on y oubliait. Fig. Mettre aux oubliettes, jeter au rebut une lettre, une demande ; ne plus s en occuper. 2° Espèce de fosse… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
CARCER — I. CARCER a coercendo, dictus, differt ab Ergastulo: quod in hoc mancipia coniciebantur, pro lubitu herorum, ut aerumnosam ibi vitam degerent; in illo liberi homines, auctoritate publicâ, ob delictum aliquod enorme, asservabantur, ibique… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
obliviate — (v.) 1660s, from L. oblivium (see OBLIVION (Cf. oblivion)). Related: Obliviated; obliviating … Etymology dictionary
ob|liv´i|ous|ness — ob|liv|i|ous «uh BLIHV ee uhs», adjective. 1. not mindful; forgetful: »The book was so interesting that I was oblivious of my surroundings. She could hardly have been oblivious of Yuba Bill s adoration (Bret Harte). SYNONYM(S): unmindful. 2.… … Useful english dictionary
ob|liv´i|ous|ly — ob|liv|i|ous «uh BLIHV ee uhs», adjective. 1. not mindful; forgetful: »The book was so interesting that I was oblivious of my surroundings. She could hardly have been oblivious of Yuba Bill s adoration (Bret Harte). SYNONYM(S): unmindful. 2.… … Useful english dictionary