- obligatio
obligātio, ōnis f. [ obligo ]1) юр. обязательство (pecuniae C; o. ex contractu Dig); поручительство (pro aliquo C)2) связанность, скованность (linguae Just)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Obligatio — • Obligatio (юр.), обязательство между 2 лицами, из которых одно, crеditor, имело право на другое, debitor. Были obligationes civiles и naturales; первые принадлежали к области гражданского права (как то nexum, stipulatio), a вторые,… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
obligatio — /6blageysh(iy)ow/ Lat. In Roman law, a legal bond which obliges the performance of something in accordance with the law of the land. It corresponded nearly to our word contract. The legal relation existing between two certain persons whereby one… … Black's law dictionary
obligatio — An obligation … Ballentine's law dictionary
obligatio ex delicto, or obligatio ex maleficio — /6blageysh(iy)ow eks daliktow/°maelafish(iy)ow An obligation founded on wrong or tort, or arising from the invasion of a jus in rem. In this there is the second stage, a secondary or sanctioning personal right consequent on a wrong, but the first … Black's law dictionary
obligatio civilis — /6blageysh(iy)ow sivalas/ An obligation enforceable by action, whether it derives its origin from the jus civile, as the obligation engendered by formal contracts or the obligation enforceable by bilaterally penal suits, or from such portion of… … Black's law dictionary
obligatio ex contractu — /6blageysh(iy)ow eks kantrsekt(y)uw/ An obligation arising from contract, or an antecedent jus in personam. In this there are two stages, first, a primary or sanctioned personal right antecedent to wrong, and, afterwards, a secondary or… … Black's law dictionary
obligatio naturalis — /6blageysh(iy)ow naetyareybs/ An obligation not immediately enforceable by action; one deriving its validity from the law of nature, or one imposed by that portion of the jus gentium which is only imperfectly recognized by civil law … Black's law dictionary
obligatio Praetoriae — /6blageysh(iy)ow pratoriyiy/ The Romans considered that obligations derived their validity solely from positive law. At first the only ones recognized were those established in special cases in accordance with the forms prescribed by the strict… … Black's law dictionary
Impossibilium nulla est obligatio — Der Rechtsgrundsatz Impossibilium nulla est obligatio (deutsch: „Nichts ist Pflicht bei Unmöglichkeit“) trägt dem Umstand Rechnung, dass der Leistungsschuldner dem Gläubiger nicht eine Leistung zu erbringen hat, die ihm zu leisten unmöglich ist.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Verborum obligatio — Verborum obligatio, lat., altrömische Vertragsform durch ausgesprochene Worte … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Litterarum obligatio — • Litterarum obligatio (юр.), долговое обязательство, состоявшее в записи долга в главную приходо расходную книгу (tabulae или codex accepti et expensi). Разные долговые счета вносились в книгу, подобно простым ссудам, хотя бы долг… … Реальный словарь классических древностей