- obaeratus
I ob-aerātus, a, um [ aes ]
обременённый долгами Vr, Su, T etc.II obaerātus, ī m.должник C, Cs, L
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
obaeratus — index indebted Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
obaeratus — /obareytas/ In Roman law, a debtor who was obliged to serve his creditor until his debt was discharged … Black's law dictionary
Nexum — was a debt bondage contract in the early Roman Republic. The debtor pledged his person as collateral should he default on his loan. Nexum was abolished by the Lex Poetelia Papiria in 326 BC. Contents 1 The contract 2 Abolishment 3 See also … Wikipedia
Schuld — Schuld, 1) die Urheberschaft eines Übels, insofern damit zugleich die Verpflichtung entweder zum Ersatz od. zur Erduldung eines vergeltenden Übels (einer Strafe) verbunden ist. Es liegen dabei immer entweder stillschweigend od. ausdrücklich… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
indebted — I adjective beholden, bound, bounden, devoted, encumbered, in arrears, in debt, legally obliged to repay, obaeratus, obligated, obligatus, obliged, owing, short of funds, thankful, unable to pay, under obligation associated concepts: involuntary… … Law dictionary
obérer — [ ɔbere ] v. tr. <conjug. : 6> • 1680; au p. p. 1596; lat. obaeratus « endetté » ♦ Admin. ou littér. Charger, accabler de dettes. ⇒ endetter. Guerre qui obère les finances d un pays. ⇒ grever. Être obéré jusqu à la ruine. Pronom. Vx S… … Encyclopédie Universelle
obéré — ⇒OBÉRÉ, ÉE, adj. [En parlant d une pers. ou d une collectivité] Qui est accablé de dettes. Souvent obéré [le gentilhomme] et toujours besogneux, il vivait d ordinaire fort chichement dans son château, ne songeant qu à y amasser l argent qu il… … Encyclopédie Universelle
oberato — {{hw}}{{oberato}}{{/hw}}agg. 1 Detto del debitore insolvente che, presso gli antichi Romani, diveniva schiavo del creditore | Essere oberato di debiti, averne contratto un numero sproporzionato alle proprie possibilità. 2 (fig.) Che è… … Enciclopedia di italiano
oberato — agg. [dal lat. obaeratus, der. di aes aeris rame, denaro (col valore che ha nella locuz. aes alienum debito ), col pref. ob a causa di ]. 1. [oppresso dai debiti, carico di debiti, con la prep. da : beni o. da ipoteche ] ▶◀ gravato. 2. (fig.)… … Enciclopedia Italiana
ՓՈԽԱՊԱՐՏ — (ի, ից.) NBH 2 0949 Chronological Sequence: Unknown date, 5c ա. գ. χρεωφειλέτης debitor, obaeratus. Պարտական փոխոյ. պարտապան, փոխառու. ... *Վաշխողի եւ փոխապարտի՝ պատահեցելոց իրարից. Բրս. վաշխ.: *Եւ թէ աղքատ եւս իցէ փոքապարան: Զկեանս չար քան զմահ… … հայերեն բառարան (Armenian dictionary)
endebter — Endebter, Il vient de In et Debitum, quasi Indebitatus. S endebter, AEs alienum conflare, contrahere, facere: In aes alienum incidere. S endebter de plus en plus, Multiplicare aes alienum. Se fort endebter, AEris alieni multum contrahere. Estre… … Thresor de la langue françoyse