- nundina
- I nūndina, ae f. Sid = nundinae
II Nūndina, ae f.
Нундина, богиня очистительных обрядов, совершавшихся над мальчиками на девятый день их рождения (над девочками — на восьмой) Macr
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
nundină — NUNDÍNĂ s.f. v. NUNDÍNE s.f.pl. (Ant.) Zile de târg. [sg. nundină. / < fr. nundines, lat. nundinae]. [DN] Trimis de gall, 11.11.2008. Sursa: Neoficial … Dicționar Român
Nundina — era una diosa romana a la que estaba consagrado el dies lustricus, en el cual se daba nombre a un niño romano y aceptaba en la familia. El dies lustricus tenía lugar el noveno día (octavo según el cómputo exclusivo utilizado en español) después… … Wikipedia Español
NUNDINA — Romanorum Dea, a nono die nascentium dicta, qui et lustricus dicitur, quô insantes lustrabantur, Macrob. l. 1. Sat. c. 16. Lustricus dies olim appellabatur, quô pueri lustrabantur, et nomen accipiehant. Sueton. in Neron. c. 6. Eiusdem futurae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nundina — In Roman mythology, Novensilus or Nundina was the name given to the nine great gods of Etruscan mythology … Wikipedia
NUNDINIA seu NUNDINA Consulum — occurrunt apud Historiae Aug. Scriptores aliquot locis. Lamprid. Alexandro Seu. c. 8. Consulatum ter iniit tantum ordinarium: ac primo nundino sibi alios semper suffecit. Vopisc. in Tacito, c. 9. In eadem oratione fratri suo Floriano Consulatum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Schinia — Primrose Moth (S. florida) on Evening primrose Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Schinia — Schinia Primros … Wikipedia Español
INFANS — I. INFANS a non fando dictus est, teste Nonio: sicut Graec. νήπιος, a νὴ et ἔπω. Hic sive die sive noctu in lucem prodit, natalis dicitur dies, ut ex Varrone fuse explicat A. Gell. l. 3. c. 2. et quidem verae nativitatis terminus, nonus est… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Roman calendar — The Roman calendar changed its form several times in the time between the founding of Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire. This article generally discusses the early Roman or pre Julian calendars. The calendar used after 46 BC is discussed … Wikipedia
Ancient Roman units of measurement — The ancient Roman units of measurement were built on the Hellenic system with Egyptian, Hebrew, and Mesopotamian influences. The Roman units were comparatively consistent and well documented. Contents 1 Length 2 Area 3 Volume … Wikipedia
List of Lepidoptera that feed on goldenrods — Goldenrods ( Solidago spp ) are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species including:Monophagous species which feed exclusively on Solidago * Bucculatricidae ribbed cocoon makers::* B. magnella :* B. niveella :* B.… … Wikipedia