- antelucanus
ante-lūcānus, a, um [ lux ]1) происходящий или длящийся до рассвета (cena C)2) предрассветный (tempus C; cantus gallorum Ap; aurae PM)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
antelucano — antelucano, a (del lat. «antelucānus»; ant.) adj. y n. m. Anterior al *amanecer. * * * antelucano, na. (Del lat. antelucānus). adj. p. us. Se dice del tiempo anterior al amanecer. U. m. c. s. m … Enciclopedia Universal
Antelucan — An te*lu can, a. [L. antelucanus; ante + lux light.] Held or being before light; a word applied to assemblies of Christians, in ancient times of persecution, held before light in the morning. Antelucan worship. De Quincey. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
African Rite — In the history of Christianity, the African Rite refers to a now defunct Catholic, Western liturgical rite, and is considered a development or possibly a local use of the primitive Roman Rite. It used the Latin language. The African Rite may be… … Wikipedia
African Liturgy — • In use not only in the old Roman province of Africa of which Carthage was the capital, but also in Numidia and Mauretania Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. African Liturgy African Liturgy … Catholic encyclopedia
ФЛАТУС АНТЕЛУКАНУС — (лат. flatus antelucanus) предрассветный ветер … Словарь ветров
devant — Devant, quasi Deante, que le Portugais dit Diante, et le Castillan Delante, pro Ante. Interponitur autem u, ad vitandum hiatum. Comme fait aussi l Italien, disant, Devante et devanti. Devant quelqu un, Ante aliquem. Devant moy, Ante oculos, Coram … Thresor de la langue françoyse
antelucano — antelucano, na (Del lat. antelucānus). adj. p. us. Se dice del tiempo anterior al amanecer. U. m. c. s. m.) … Diccionario de la lengua española
antelucan — |antə̇12 lükən adjective Etymology: Latin antelucanus, from ante + luc , lux light + anus an more at light archaic : before dawn antelucan worship … Useful english dictionary