Смотреть что такое "nomisma" в других словарях:
Nomisma — de Michel V Le nomisma (pluriel : nomismata) est une monnaie d or, héritière du solidus romain et frappée dans l empire byzantin jusqu à la réforme monétaire d Alexis Ier Comnène en 1092. C est la plus forte dénomination monétaire de l… … Wikipédia en Français
Nomisma — (gr.), Geld, Münze … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
NOMISMA — Demostheni coeterisque Scriptoribus Graecis consuetudinem, morem et legem non scriptam notat: inde nomen haesit nummo, quia ex privatorum more et consensu sit institutus. Maxime vero usurpatur vox, de nummi figura ac imagine. Glossarium Lat. MS.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nomisma — For the Byzantine coin known as nomisma , see solidus (coin). Nomisma (Greek: νόμισμα) was the ancient Greek word for money and is derived from nomos (νόμος) anything assigned, a usage, custom, law, ordinance .[1] ....but money has become by… … Wikipedia
nomisma — noun /nə(ʊ)ˈmɪzmə/lang=el a) currency (modern) For a quarter century after, this decline continued, to the point where six different nomismata, of as many metals, were in circulation. b) money (ancient) en Caesar agnoscit suum Nomisma nummis… … Wiktionary
nomisma — no·mì·sma s.m. TS numism. 1. unità base del sistema monetario bizantino coniata da Costantino il Grande 2. estens., genericamente, moneta {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: numisma. DATA: av. 1589 nell accez. 2. ETIMO: dal gr. nómisma propr.… … Dizionario italiano
Nomisma — See Coinage … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
nomisma — no·mis·ma … English syllables
nomisma — … Useful english dictionary
Coinage — Constantine I (q.v.) introduced the gold nomisma (Latin solidus) at 72 nomismata per pound of gold. The nomisma was used primarily by the state to pay its soldiers and bureaucrats, and in its relations with other states. Beyond that it served… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium
Histamenon — of Constantine VIII (r. 1025–1028). Histamenon (Greek: νόμισμα ἱστάμενον, standard coin ) was the name given to the gold Byzantine solidus when the slightly lighter tetarteron was introduced in the 960s. To distinguis … Wikipedia