- nominativus
nōminātīvus, a, um [ nomino ] грам.именительный (casus Vr, Q)
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Nominatīvus — (Nennfall), die erste unveränderte Wortform eines Substantivs, Pronomens od. Artikels, s.u. Casus 3) a) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Nominativus cum infinitivo — Der nominativus cum infinitivo (lat. = Nominativ mit Infinitiv, auch NcI) ist eine syntaktische Erscheinung der lateinischen Sprache mit gewissen Ähnlichkeiten zum AcI. Treten Verben wie zum Beispiel dicere, videre, putare, tradere und iubere im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nominativus pendens — noun a) A noun phrase, introduced as if the subject of a sentence, that is not actually used as such. b) Intentional use of such a construction … Wiktionary
nominativus pendens — /nomanatayvas pendenz/ A nominative case grammatically unconnected with the rest of the sentence in which it stands. The opening words in the ordinary form of a deed inter partes, This indenture, etc., down to whereas, though an intelligible and… … Black's law dictionary
nominativus pendens — /nomanatayvas pendenz/ A nominative case grammatically unconnected with the rest of the sentence in which it stands. The opening words in the ordinary form of a deed inter partes, This indenture, etc., down to whereas, though an intelligible and… … Black's law dictionary
nominativus pendens — … Useful english dictionary
nominativ — NOMINATÍV, Ă, nominativi, e, s.n., adj. 1. s.n. Caz al flexiunii nominale a cărui funcţie specifica este aceea de subiect şi care este considerat forma de bază a substantivului. 2. adj. (fin.; în sintagma) Obligaţie nominativă = obligaţie care… … Dicționar Român
nominatif — 1. nominatif [ nɔminatif ] n. m. • XIIe; lat. nominativus ♦ Ling. Cas affecté à un nom (III, 2o : substantif, adjectif, pronom), et qui énonce un concept, soit seul, soit comme sujet (ou attribut) dans la phrase. Nominatif et accusatif du latin.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nominativ — Werfall; erster Fall * * * No|mi|na|tiv 〈m. 1; Abk.: Nom.; Gramm.〉 erster Fall der Deklination; Sy Werfall; → Lexikon der Sprachlehre [<lat. (casus) nominativus „Nennfall“; zu nomen „Name (als Subjekt)“] * * * No|mi|na|tiv, der; s, e [ … Universal-Lexikon
номинатив — (лат. (casus) nominativus) ерам, именительный падеж. Новый словарь иностранных слов. by EdwART, , 2009. номинатив [лат. (casus) nominativus] – грам. именительный падеж. Большой словарь иностранных слов. Издательство «ИДДК», 2007 … Словарь иностранных слов русского языка
Nominative case — The nominative case (abbreviated nom) is one of the grammatical cases of a noun or other part of speech, which generally marks the subject of a verb or the predicate noun or predicate adjective, as opposed to its object or other verb arguments.… … Wikipedia