- nominalia
- nōminalia, ium n. [ nominalis ]номиналии, день наречения имени ребёнку Tert
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
NOMINALIA — vide supra in voce Nomen … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans — The Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans (Bulgarian: Именник на българските ханове) is a short manuscript containing the names of some early Bulgar rulers, their clans, the year of their ascending to the throne according to the cyclic Bulgar calendar … Wikipedia
Nominalia de los kanes de Bulgaria — La Nominalia de los kanes de Bulgaria (en búlgaro: Именник на българските ханове) es un manuscrito corto con los nombres de algunos de los primeros gobernantes búlgaros, sus clanes, el año de su ascenso al trono de acuerdo con el calendario… … Wikipedia Español
Kormisosh — Kan de Bulgaria Reinado 753 756 Predecesor Sevar Sucesor Vinekh Dinastía Clan Vokil … Wikipedia Español
List of Bulgarian monarchs — Monarchy of Bulgaria Former Monarchy … Wikipedia
Avitohol — ( ?153 453? ) is the first name in the Nominalia of the Bulgarian khans. Little is known about him. According to the document he is from the Dulo clan and most probably was considered and respected as the forefather of the khans.Some researchers… … Wikipedia
Uokil — (Ukil, Vokil, Augal) is one of Yuezhi tribes, defeated and displaced by the Hun s expansion in the 2nd century BC. Uokil may have been one of the two Yuezhi dynastic tribes. Traces of ethnonym Uokil are found in the East Mongolia and Manchuria… … Wikipedia
Kingdom of Balhara — was a stateFact|date=January 2008 situated in the upper course of Oxus River (present Amu Darya), and the foothills and valleys of Hindu Kush (killer of hindu mountains) and Pamir Mountains (ancient Mount Imeon). Established ca. seventh century… … Wikipedia
Inchoativ — oder Incohativ (lateinisch inchoare „anfangen“) bezeichnet die Aktionsart eines Verbs, die eine beginnende Handlung ausdrückt. Der Ausdruck für einen plötzlichen Beginn einer Handlung ist Ingressiv. Verba inchoativa ist der Begriff für die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Asparoukh — Statue du khan Asparoukh à Dobritch. Asparoukh ou Isperikh (en bulgare: Аспарух Asparuh, Исперих Isperih, Испор Ispor, ou encore Есперих Esperih : faucon hobereau), khan des Bulgares, déplace puis sédentarise son peuple pendant la période… … Wikipédia en Français
Asparuch — Asparoukh Statue du khan Asparoukh à Dobritch. Asparoukh ou Isperikh (en bulgare: Аспарух Asparuh, Исперих Isperih, Испор Ispor, ou encore Есперих Esperih : faucon hobereau), khan des Bulgares, déplace puis sédentarise son peuple pendant … Wikipédia en Français