- Nicaenus
Nīcaenus, a, um [ Nicaea 1. \]никейский (synŏdus Eccl)Nicaena fides CJ — никейский символ веры
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
niceno — ► adjetivo 1 HISTORIA De Nicea, antigua ciudad de Asia Menor. ► sustantivo 2 HISTORIA Persona natural de esta ciudad. * * * niceno, a (del lat. «Nicaenus») adj. y aplicado a personas, también n. De Nicea, ciudad antigua de Bitinia. * * * niceno,… … Enciclopedia Universal
Nicene — Ni cene, a. [L. Nicaenus, fr. Nicaea Nice, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Nice, a town of Asia Minor, or to the ecumenical council held there a. d. 325. [1913 Webster] {Nicene Creed}, a summary of Christian faith, composed and adopted by the Council … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nicene Creed — Nicene Ni cene, a. [L. Nicaenus, fr. Nicaea Nice, Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to Nice, a town of Asia Minor, or to the ecumenical council held there a. d. 325. [1913 Webster] {Nicene Creed}, a summary of Christian faith, composed and adopted by the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nicene — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin nicaenus, from Latin Nicaea Nicaea, from Greek Nikaia Date: 14th century 1. of or relating to Nicaea or the Nicaeans 2. of or relating to the ecumenical church council held in Nicaea in A.D.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
İznik — Nikaea redirects here. For the moth genus, see Nikaea (moth). The title of this article contains the character İ. Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Iznik. İznik … Wikipedia
Nicene — /nuy seen , nuy seen/, adj. of or pertaining to Nicaea. Also, Nicaean. [1350 1400; ME < LL Nicenus, var. of Nicaenus < Gk Nikaîos (Níkai(a) Nicaea + os adj. suffix), with n from L adj. suffix anus AN] * * * … Universalium
CATHOLICUS — I. CATHOLICUS dignitas et Magistratus, in Africa praesertim. Eusebius, l. 8. c. 23. Καθολικὸν τῆς Α᾿φρικῆς, et de Vita Constantim, l. 4. τὸν τῆς διοικήςεως Καθολικὸν, h. e. Consularem et Praefectum Africae, ut interpretantur Viri docti. At… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
ORANTIUM Ritus — corpore Soli Orienti obv ersô, antiquus admodum, a Solis cultoribus originem traxit. Non enim hunc solum adorabant, manum osculando seu dexteram ori admovendo, unde adorandi verbum: qui ritus a Diis ad homines, honore potentiâque antecellentes… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
SOL — Phoenicibus olim Η῏λ, El, teste Serviô, In l. 1. Aen. v. 646. qui de Belo Phoenice, unde creta Dido, loquens, Omnes, inquit, in illis, partibus Solem colunt, qui ipsorum linguâ Hel dicitur; unde et Η῞λιος: η in ω discedente, et spiritu, in… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Nicene — Ni•cene [[t]naɪˈsin, ˈnaɪ sin[/t]] also Nicaean adj. of or pertaining to Nicaea • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME < LL Nīcēnus, Nīcaenus … From formal English to slang
niceno — niceno, na (Del lat. Nicaenus). 1. adj. Natural de Nicea. U. t. c. s.) 2. Perteneciente o relativo a esta antigua ciudad de Asia Menor … Diccionario de la lengua española