- Neobule
Neobūlē, ēs f.Необула, женское имя H
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
NEOBULE — Lycambis Thebani filia, quam cum pater Archilocho poetae despondisset, posteaque facti paenitens tradere eam recusaret, tam acri Iambô ab Archilocho fuit perstrictus, utdoloris im patientiâ mortem sibi laqueô credatur conscivisse. Vide… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
НЕОБУЛА — • Neobūle, см. Archilochus, Архилох, в статье Iambographi, Ямбографы … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Archilochus — /ahr kil euh keuhs/, n. fl. c650 B.C., Greek poet. * * * ▪ Greek author flourished c. 650 BC, Paros [Cyclades, Greece] poet and soldier, the earliest Greek writer of iambic, elegiac, and personal lyric poetry whose works have survived to… … Universalium
Acraea — Acraea … Wikipédia en Français
Acraea — Acraea … Wikipédia en Français
HEBRUS — I. HEBRUS Cyzicenus a Polluce in conflictu nocturno caesus ac semianimis relictus, Idem l. 3. v. 149. Philas et trepido Pollux impingitur Hebro. II. HEBRUS Thraciae fluv. aureas volvens arenas, in Rhodope monte nascens; supra Philippopolim, et e… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Archilochus — For the hummingbird genus, see Archilochus.Archilochus (Greek: Polytonic|Ἀρχίλοχος) (c. 680 BC c. 645 BC) was a Greek poet and supposed mercenary.Life and poetryThe details of his life are inferred from his poetry, doubtless including details… … Wikipedia
The Dinner Party — For other works with this title, see Dinner Party The Dinner Party is an installation artwork by feminist artist Judy Chicago depicting place settings for 39 mythical and historical famous women. It was produced from 1974 to 1979 as a… … Wikipedia
Acraea (genus) — Taxobox name = Acraea image width = 240px image caption = The Tawny Coaster has been identified as the mysterious Papilio terpsicore . Formerly known as Acraea violae , it is now A. terpsicore . regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis =… … Wikipedia
Cambridge Songs — The Cambridge Songs ( Carmina Cantabrigiensia ) are a colletion of Goliardic medieval Latin poems found on ten leaves (ff. 432 ndash;41) of the Codex Cantabrigiensis ( C , MS Gg. 5.35), now at the Cambridge University Library. The songs as they… … Wikipedia
Hipponax — (en grec ancien Ἰππῶναξ / Hippỗnax, littéralement « seigneur des chevaux ») fut un poète grec de la deuxième moitié du VIe siècle av. J.‑C. Avec Archiloque de Paros et Sémonide d Amorgos, il est l un des trois plus grands… … Wikipédia en Français