- negotiatrix
negōtiātrīx, īcis f.1) купчиха, коммерсантка Dig2) посредница Tert
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Negotiatrix — Ne*go ti*a trix, n. [L.] A woman who negotiates. Miss Edgeworth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
negotiatrix — n. female manager of negotiations ne go·ti·a·tor || nɪgəʊʃɪeɪtÉ™(r) n. one who participates in a bargaining session, one who negotiates … English contemporary dictionary
negotiatrix — ne·go·ti·a·trix … English syllables
negotiatrix — noun a woman negotiator • Syn: ↑negotiatress • Hypernyms: ↑negotiator, ↑negotiant, ↑treater … Useful english dictionary
agent — Synonyms and related words: Charlie McCarthy, Federal, acid, acidity, acolyte, activator, actor, adjutant, administrator, advocate, agency, aid, aide, aide de camp, aider, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, amanuensis, amicus curiae, ancilla, anion … Moby Thesaurus
connection — Synonyms and related words: ESP, Indian file, abutment, abuttal, access, accord, accounting for, acquaintance, act of love, addition, adjacency, adjoiningness, adjunct, adultery, affairs, affiliation, affinity, agent, agglomeration, agglutination … Moby Thesaurus
deputy — Synonyms and related words: G man, MP, acolyte, adjutant, administrator, advocate, agent, aid, aide, aide de camp, aider, alternate, alternative, ambassador, amicus curiae, analogy, appointee, assignee, assistant, attendant, attorney, attorney at … Moby Thesaurus
front — Synonyms and related words: CAT, Charlie McCarthy, DMZ, accented, aceldama, act for, acting, advance, advance guard, aerospace, aerosphere, affectation, affectedness, affront, agent, ahead, air, air hole, air mass, air pocket, airhead, airs, airs … Moby Thesaurus
front man — Synonyms and related words: Charlie McCarthy, agent, anteriority, bold front, brave face, brave front, connection, creature, deputy, display, dummy, facade, face, facet, facia, figurehead, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart … Moby Thesaurus
go between — Synonyms and related words: Charlie McCarthy, Hermes, Iris, Mercury, Paul Revere, Pheidippides, agent, allegorist, ancilla, annotator, appliance, arbitrator, broker, carrier, cicerone, clarifier, commentator, commissionaire, connection, contact,… … Moby Thesaurus
intercessor — Synonyms and related words: advocate, agent, amicus curiae, attorney, attorney at law, barrister, barrister at law, connection, counsel, counselor, counselor at law, deputy, entrepreneur, friend at court, front, front man, go between, interagent … Moby Thesaurus