- Naristi
- Naristī, ōrum m.наристы, германск. племя свебской группы в области нын. Верхнего Пфальца T
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
NARISTI — apud Capitolin. in Marco, c. 22. Gentes omnes ab Illyrici limite usque Galliam conspiraverant, ut Marcomanni, Naristi, Hermunduri etc. Ναρίςται sunt Dioni, Οὐαριςτοὶ Ptolemaeo, unde recte hîc Varistae legeretur. Salmas. ibi … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
НАРИСТЫ — • Naristi, (Tac. Germ. 41. 42), правильнее Varisci, (Птолемей Ου̉αριστοί), храброе германское племя свиевского происхождения, жившее между маркоманнами и гермундурами, в области Фихтельгебирге и Оберпфальца (поэтому средневековое… … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Marcomannic Wars — Part of the Roman Germanic Wars Date 166– 180 AD Location Germania along the Upper Danube, Pannonia and Dacia … Wikipedia
Varisci — The Varisci (Narisci) be seen as Narister ca. 50 CE. The Varisci (German: Varisker) were a Germanic tribe, the presumed prior inhabitants of a medieval district, Provincia Variscorum, the same (in presumption) as the Vogtland district of Saxony… … Wikipedia
Romans in Slovakia — In light pink the area temporarily occupied by the Romans in 178 179 AD, and that was supposed to be the new Roman Province of Marcomannia History of … Wikipedia
Alamanni — The Alamanni, Allemanni, or Alemanni were originally an alliance of Germanic tribes located around the upper Main river (Germany). One of the earliest references to them is the cognomen Alamannicus assumed by Caracalla, who ruled the Roman Empire … Wikipedia
Suebi — The Suebi or Suevi (from Proto Germanic * swēbaz based on the Proto Germanic root * swē meaning one s own people,cite web | last=Peterson | first=Lena | title=Swābaharjaz | work=Lexikon över urnordiska personnamn | publisher=Institutet för språk… … Wikipedia
Iazyges — The Iazyges (Jazyges is an orthographic variant) were a nomadic tribe. Known also as Jaxamatae, Ixibatai, Iazygite, Jászok, Ászi. They were a branch of the Sarmatian people who, c. 200 BC, swept westward from central Asia onto the steppes of what … Wikipedia
List of Germanic peoples — This is a list of Germanic peoples. Classical philosophyThe Greeks assigned names to populations they considered distinct based on the city state ( polis ) to which they belonged. Intermingled with this system was an earlier one derived from the… … Wikipedia
Marcus Valerius Maximianus — was an important Roman general of the period of the Marcomannic Wars during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. He was born (year unknown) in the Roman colony of Poetovio (modern Ptuj, in Slovenia), where his father, also called Marcus Valerius… … Wikipedia
Narisker — Verbreitung germanischer Stämme um 50 n. Chr. Die Narisker (auch Naristen, Narister oder Varisker genannt) sind ein bei mehreren griechischen und römischen Autoren bezeugter Stamm. Tacitus bezeichnet sie in seiner Germania (c. 42) als… … Deutsch Wikipedia