- Napaeae
ārum f.нимфы лесов и долин V etc.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Napaeae — NAPAEAE, arum, Gr. Ναπαῖαι, ῶν, eine Art Nymphen, und zwar insonderheit der Lustwälder, welche Griechisch νάπαι heißen, und daher solchen Göttinnen von sich den Namen gegeben haben. Philargyr. ad Virgil Georg. IV. v. 535. Sie sind aber, nach… … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
NAPAEAE — silvarum, saltuumque Deae, saltus enim Graece νάπος dicitur. Virg. Geor. l. 4. v. 535. Faciles venerare Napaeas … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Napaeae — This article is about Greek mythology nymph. For genus of metalmark butterflies, see Napaea (butterfly). For flowering plant genus in the Malvaceae family, see Napaea (plant). Greek deities series Primordial deities Titans and Olympians … Wikipedia
Napaeae — From Greek mythology, a type of Nymph. A lesser female divinity or spirit of nature, like a fairy. They live in forests and water, and appear as young beautiful maidens who are fond of music and dancing. The types of Nymphs are: Crenids… … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
Napaeae — /neuh pee ee/, n.pl. Rom. Legend. the nymphs of a dell. * * * … Universalium
Napaeae — /neuh pee ee/, n.pl. Rom. Legend. the nymphs of a dell … Useful english dictionary
НАПЕИ — • Napaeae, Ναπαι̃αι, см. Nymphae, Нимфы, 4 … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Nymph — This article is about the creatures of Greek mythology. For other uses, see Nymph (disambiguation). A fourth century Roman depiction of Hylas and the Nymphs, from the basilica of Junius Bassus A nymph in Greek mythology is a female minor nature… … Wikipedia
Список божеств в древнегреческой мифологии — В список включены различные персонажи, не относящиеся к смертным, и абстрактные понятия. В него могут не входить лица, уже перечисленные в статье Древнегреческая мифология, и следующие группы божеств и существ: Бассариды Вакханки Ветры Гарпии… … Википедия
Nereid — Sea nymph and Sea nymphs redirect here. For other uses, see Sea nymph (disambiguation). For other uses, see Nereid (disambiguation). Nereid riding a sea bull (latter 2nd century BC) In Greek mythology, the Nereids ( … Wikipedia
Meliae — Greek deities series Primordial deities Titans and Olympians Aquatic deities Chthonic deities … Wikipedia