
Naharvalī или Nahanarvalī, ōrum m.
нагарвалы и наганарвалы, племя в сев.-вост. Германии T

Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "Naharvali" в других словарях:

  • Naharvăli — Naharvăli, germanisches Volk, zum Stamme der Lygier gehörig, im Nordosten Germaniens, an der Vistula; in ihrem Gebiet war (beim j. Rawa) ein uralter Hain (Naharvalorum silva), in welchem ein Oberpriester weibliche Tracht trug u. die Alces (s.d.)… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • NAHARVALI — Tacito in Germ c. 43. Germaniae populi: quem reliqui sequuntur. Maharvani forte legendum: qui postea appellati Maravani, in Annalibus Ludovici. Marahabitae, in Annalibus Fuldensibus. Apud nonnullos etiam recentiores Marahenses et Margenses.… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • НАХАРВАЛЫ —    • Naharvali,          народ германского племени лигиев в Северо Восточной Германии на берегах Вистулы (Вислы), в области которых находилась священная роща, в которой жрецы в женской одежде служили богам близнецам по имени Alces (Тацит… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Suebi — The Suebi or Suevi (from Proto Germanic * swēbaz based on the Proto Germanic root * swē meaning one s own people,cite web | last=Peterson | first=Lena | title=Swābaharjaz | work=Lexikon över urnordiska personnamn | publisher=Institutet för språk… …   Wikipedia

  • Nahanarvaler — Die Nahanarvaler (lateinisch Nahanarvali, auch Naharvali) waren ein germanischer Stamm. Der römische Geschichtsschreiber Tacitus zählte sie gemeinsam mit den Hariern, Helvekonen, Manimern und Halisionen zu den fünf Hauptstämmen der Lugier.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lugii — For Polish place names, see Ługi. The Lugii, Lugi, Lygii, Ligii, Lugiones, Lygians, Ligians, Lugians, or Lougoi were a tribe of Indo European origin. They lived in ca. 400 BC ndash;300 AD in Central Europe, north of the Sudetes mountains in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Interpretatio graeca — is a Latin term for the common tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign divinities to members of their own pantheon. Herodotus, for example, refers to the ancient Egyptian gods Amon, Osiris and Ptah as Zeus , Dionysus and Hephaestus ,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Germanic peoples — This is a list of Germanic peoples. Classical philosophyThe Greeks assigned names to populations they considered distinct based on the city state ( polis ) to which they belonged. Intermingled with this system was an earlier one derived from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Alcis (gods) — The Alcis were a pair of twin male gods worshiped by the Naharvali, a tribe of ancient Germanic peoples.cite encyclopedia | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | authorlink = | title = Alcis (2) | editor = William Smith | encyclopedia = Dictionary… …   Wikipedia

  • Alcis — NOTOC Alcis or Alces can refer to any of the following:Classical history* Alcis, an epithet of the Greek goddess Athena, from a Greek word meaning strong or mighty , under which she was worshi­ped in Macedonia [Livius ( [14 BC] ), Schmitz (1867)] …   Wikipedia

  • Galicie —  Ne pas confondre avec la région espagnole de Galice. Galicie 1772 – 1918 …   Wikipédia en Français

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