- mystagogus
mystagōgus, ī m. (греч.)1) мистагог, проводник по священным местам C2) проводник (вообще), руководитель Symm
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Латинско-русский словарь. 2003.
Mystagogus — †Mystagogus … Wikipédia en Français
МИСТАГОГ, МИСТЫ — •Mystagōgus, и Mystes, см. Mysteria, 3 и Eleusinia … Реальный словарь классических древностей
Мистагог — • Mystagōgus, и Mystes, см. Mysteria, Мистерии, 3 и Eleusinia, Элевсинский культ … Реальный словарь классических древностей
mystagogue — [ mistagɔg ] n. m. • 1564; lat. mystagogus, gr. mustagôgos, de mustês « initié » et agein « conduire » ♦ Antiq. gr. Prêtre qui initiait aux mystères sacrés. ● mystagogue nom masculin (grec mustagôgos) Prêtre chargé d initier aux mystères dans les … Encyclopédie Universelle
mistagogo — (Del gr. mystagogos.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 RELIGIÓN Sacerdote grecorromano que iniciaba en los misterios religiosos. 2 RELIGIÓN Catequista que explicaba los misterios sagrados. * * * mistagogo (del lat. «mystagōgus», del gr. «mystagōgós») 1 m … Enciclopedia Universal
Mystagogue — Mys ta*gogue, n. [L. mystagogus, Gr. ?; ? one initiated in mysteries + ? leading, n., a leader, fr. ? to lead: cf. F. mystagogue. See 1st {Mystery}.] 1. One who interprets mysteries, especially of a religious kind. [1913 Webster] 2. One who keeps … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mystagogue — noun Etymology: Latin mystagogus, from Greek mystagōgos, from mystēs initiate (perhaps akin to Greek myein to be closed) + agein to lead more at agent Date: circa 1550 1. one who initiates another into a mystery cult 2. one who understands or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Maeror Tri — was an ambient noise and drone music band from Germany founded in the 1980s which consisted of Stefan Baraka H Knappe, Martin GLIT[s]CH Git and Helge Siehl. In a way similar to Zoviet France, they used only live instruments to produce music with… … Wikipedia
Alexander Ross (writer) — Alexander Ross (c. 1590 1654) was a prolific Scottish writer and controversialist. He was born in Aberdeen. He was vicar of Carisbrooke in the Isle of Wight from 1634 to his death. He was also chaplain to the ill fated King Charles I, who was… … Wikipedia
Contemporary Latin — is the form of the Latin language used from the end of the 19th century through to the present. Various kinds of contemporary Latin can be distinguished. On the one hand there is its symbolic survival in areas like taxonomy and others as the… … Wikipedia
Linyphiidae — Linyphiidae … Wikipédia en Français