Munĭceps — (röm. Ant.), s.u. Municipium … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
municeps — /myuwnaseps/ In Roman law, eligible to office. A provincial person; a countryman. This was the designation of one born in the provinces or in a city politically connected with Rome, who had come to Rome, and though a Roman citizen, yet was looked … Black's law dictionary
municeps — /myuwnaseps/ In Roman law, eligible to office. A provincial person; a countryman. This was the designation of one born in the provinces or in a city politically connected with Rome, who had come to Rome, and though a Roman citizen, yet was looked … Black's law dictionary
municeps — (Roman law.) A citizen of a town; a person qualified to hold office … Ballentine's law dictionary
Hyposmocoma municeps — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: In … Wikipedia
Gracianus Municeps — was a legendary King of the Britons, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth s Historia regum Britanniae , a fictional account of British history. After the death of Emperor Magnus Maximus, Gracianus usurped the throne from the rightful king, Dionotus … Wikipedia
МУНИЦЕПС — • Munĭceps, гражданин муниципии. Этимологически слово происходит от munia capere принимать участие в повинностях … Реальный словарь классических древностей
MUNIC — Municeps, municipi, municipii, municipio, municipium … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
munícipe — (Del lat. municeps, ipis.) ► sustantivo masculino femenino 1 ADMINISTRACIÓN Vecino de un municipio. 2 Concejal, persona que forma parte de un concejo o ayuntamiento. * * * munícipe (del lat. «munĭceps, ĭpis») n. Vecino de un municipio. ⇒ *Habitar … Enciclopedia Universal
Dionotus — In Geoffrey of Monmouth s Historia regum Britanniae, whose account of the rulers of Britain is based on ancient Welsh sources disputed by many historians, Dionotus was a legendary King of the Britons during the campaigns in Gaul led by Emperor… … Wikipedia
Municipe — Le municipe (en latin municipium) est l un des statuts possibles pour une cité du monde romain antique. À la différence, en théorie, du statut de colonie (colonia), le municipe succède à une communauté pérégrine. Le statut de municipe participe… … Wikipédia en Français