Смотреть что такое "muliebritas" в других словарях:
Muliebrity — Mu li*eb ri*ty (m[=u] l[i^]*[e^]b r[i^]*t[y^]), n. [L. muliebritas, fr. muliebris belonging to a woman, fr. mulier a woman.] 1. The state of being a woman or of possessing full womanly powers; womanhood; correlate of {virility}. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
muliebrity — noun Etymology: Late Latin muliebritat , muliebritas, from Latin muliebris of a woman, from mulier woman Date: 1592 femininity … New Collegiate Dictionary
Muliebrity — is the quality of being a woman. This word is sometimes used as a counterpart to virility, in an analogy with the counterparts of feminine and masculine . The word is derived from Latin muliebritas ( womanhood ) and mulier ( woman ). The Oxford… … Wikipedia
muliebrity — muliebral, adj. /myooh lee eb ri tee/, n. 1. womanly nature or qualities. 2. womanhood. [1585 95; < LL muliebritas womanhood, equiv. to L muliebri(s) womanly (deriv. of mulier woman) + tas TY2] * * * … Universalium
muliebrity — [ˌmju:lɪ ɛbrɪti] noun literary womanly qualities; womanhood. Origin C16: from late L. muliebritas, from L. mulier woman … English new terms dictionary
muliebrity — mu•li•eb•ri•ty [[t]ˌmyu liˈɛb rɪ ti[/t]] n. 1) femininity 2) womanhood • Etymology: 1585–95; < LL muliēbritās, der. of = L muliēbri(s) womanly … From formal English to slang
muliebrity — /mjuliˈɛbrəti/ (say myoohlee ebruhtee) noun 1. womanly nature or qualities. 2. womanhood. {Late Latin muliebritas, from Latin muliebris womanly} …
complexion — Complexion, Une complexion bien disposée, AEqualis temperies. La complexion d aucun, Natura et mores alicuius. C est sa complexion, Ita natus est. B. Quand l homme retire à la complexion d une femme, et fait actes de femme plus que d homme,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
muliebrity — [myo͞o΄lē eb′rə tē] n. [LL muliebritas < L muliebris, womanly, womanish < mulier, a woman, prob. < IE * mlyésī, (the) softer (one), compar. of * mḷdu (> L mollis) < base * mel > MILL1] 1. the condition of being a woman;… … English World dictionary
muliebrity — n. literary 1 womanhood. 2 the normal characteristics of a woman. 3 softness, effeminacy. Etymology: LL muliebritas f. L mulier woman … Useful english dictionary
mu|li|eb|ri|ty — «MYOO lee EHB ruh tee», noun. 1. womanly nature or qualities; femininity. 2. = womanhood. (Cf. ↑womanhood) ╂[< Latin muliebritās < muliebris of women < mulier woman] … Useful english dictionary